Issue - meetings

UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)

Meeting: 18/01/2024 - Executive (Item 7)

7 UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) EXE23-084 pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Reporting Person – Beverley Kuchar

Additional documents:


The Executive received a report which sought approval to the priority projects which would be replacement projects for UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funding in light of the Digital Centre of Excellence not proceeding.  Councillor Roberts, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, explained that the Council had received £1m of UKSPF funding with the aim of helping local places to build pride in place and increase life chances.  Due to the Digital Centre of Excellence not proceeding, it was necessary to consider how those uncommitted funds of £601,000 could be used in 2024/25.  The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the proposed projects in the report were in alignment with the overriding purpose of the UKSPF and related to transformation.  It was noted that the funding could not be used for revenue purposes, however it could be given to groups moving towards new operating models.

Discussion ensued on the priority projects which included supporting Citizens Advice Woking to move to a more sustainable business model, and enabling the establishment of a new community based model for The Lightbox.  The Executive was hopeful that the UKSPF funding would help both organisations to transform and not be dependent on Council funding.  Priority projects also included funds for urgent repairs to parks and play areas, and supporting economic growth and local businesses including through a Place Board.

The Executive welcomed the proposals which would provide alternative ways of delivering some of the valued discretionary services impacted by some of the savings required for the Council to live within its means.


That  (i)    the priority projects listed in the report be confirmed;

          (ii)   on the basis of the agreed projects, a change request be submitted to DLUHC; and

          (iii)  authority be delegated to the UKSPF Group, in consultation with the S.151 Officer, to authorise the reallocation of funding to the additional projects listed in the report should the priority schemes not be bought forward within the required timeframe.

Reason:   The priority projects meet the UKSPF criteria for the funding available, which, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding with DLUHC, required the local authority must have been spent within this funding period.