9 Future of Brockhill EXE24-017. PDF 143 KB
Additional documents:
The recommendations on the future of Brockhill Extra Care Housing, drawn up in view of the significant capital expenditure required on fire safety remedial works, a full heating system replacement and limited investment over the years, were agreed as follows:
(i) the closure of Brockhill Extra Care Housing be agreed;
(ii) the residents of Brockhill be offered suitable alternative accommodation which best meets their needs and preferences and be paid Statutory Home Loss and Disturbance payments, where eligible; and
(iii) authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to make any further decisions required in respect of the closure.
The Executive had considered a report on the future of Brockhill Extra Care Housing which had set out the results of a recent consultation. The Portfolio Holder for Community Centres, Councillor Nicholson, introduced the proposals of the Executive, which recommended the closure of Brockhill in view of the significant capital expenditure required on fire safety remedial works, a full heating system replacement and limited investment over the years. An estimated capital investment of £5.8m was needed over the coming ten years and the building no longer met the current expectations for extra care housing as set out in Surrey County Council’s Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy and national best practice.
Each of the twenty-two residents currently housed at Brockhill would have a bespoke support package as part of the closure and would have opportunities to view and consider alternative accommodation opportunities. Several residents were already in the process of moving to new accommodation.
The recommendations were debated and it was noted that the possibility of Surrey County Council taking on the building had been explored. However, as the Centre did not meet current standards, the County Council had not been able to take on Brockhill.
The Portfolio Holder responded to points raised during the debate, following which the proposals were agreed nem con.
That (i) the closure of Brockhill Extra Care Housing be agreed;
(ii) the residents of Brockhill be offered suitable alternative accommodation which best meets their needs and preferences and be paid Statutory Home Loss and Disturbance payments, where eligible; and
(iii) authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to make any further decisions required in respect of the closure.
9 Future of Brockhill EXE24-017 PDF 143 KB
Reporting Person – Louise Strongitharm
Additional documents:
Following consultation on the proposed closure of Brockhill Extra Care Housing agreed by the Executive at its meeting on 14 December 2023, the Executive received a report which provided an update on the results of the consultation and which recommended to Council the closure of Brockhill. Councillor Nicholson, Portfolio Holder for Extra Care, expressed regret at the proposed closure of Brockhill Extra Care Housing scheme, a much valued and loved facility. Due to the significant capital expenditure required on fire safety remedial works, a full heating system replacement and limited investment over the years, the building was unfortunately considered unviable due to the level of capital investment needed; some £5.8m over the next 10 years. In addition, the design and layout of the building did not meet the current expectations for extra care housing as set out in Surrey County Council’s Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy and national best practice. The Council was working with SCC Adult Social Care to support residents with identifying and moving to alternative accommodation based on their individual assessed needs.
The Executive was informed that no discussions had taken place on the long-term future of the Brockhill site as the focus was on supporting residents through this difficult period.
Following a query regarding the medium-term plans to return some of the lost capacity as a result of the closure of Brockhill, the Portfolio Holder for Extra Care advised that she had submitted a question to SCC Cabinet regarding capacity concerns. SCC had advised that it did have an Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy dated July 2019 which looked at the County Council’s overall strategy across Surrey. In the future, SCC was planning to deliver about 200 units in North West Surrey.
REcommended to Council
That (i) the closure of Brockhill Extra Care Housing be agreed;
(ii) the residents of Brockhill be offered suitable alternative accommodation which best meets their needs and preferences and be paid Statutory Home Loss and Disturbance payments, where eligible; and
(iii) authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to make any further decisions required in respect of the closure.
Reason: To set out the future plans for Brockhill Extra Care Housing scheme and the support that will be available to impacted residents.