Issue - meetings

Risk Management and Business Continuity Annual Report

Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Executive (Item 12)

12 Risk Management and Business Continuity Annual Report EXE24-051 pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Reporting Person – Kevin Foster

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council advised that each year a report on the risk management and business continuity management activities of the Council was reported to the Executive, highlighting any issues.  Since 2023, good progress had been achieved, including the updating and mapping of risks, and the updating of business continuity objectives in-line with agreed monitoring requirements.  It was further noted that the Business Continuity Strategy, Incident Plan and associated documents were scheduled to be updated over coming months, including a full review of content and structure.

A key next step would be to further embed risk across all levels of the Council through training/workshops for Heads of Service and all Senior Managers.


That  (i)    the report be noted; and

          (ii)   Risk Management and Business Continuity arrangements will continue to be reviewed and updated in-line with agreed monitoring arrangements.

Reason:   The continuous development of Risk Management and Business Continuity is essential to ensure effective management and planning within the Council.