10 NCIL - Application for Funding - Wheatsheaf Playground Refurbishment EXE24-065 PDF 1 MB
Reporting Person – Beverley Kuchar
Additional documents:
The Executive received an application for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) which sought to secure £27,000 from Canalside Ward Neighbourhood CIL to improve the Wheatsheaf playground park area. It was noted by the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Lyons, that, although the application had been submitted by a Ward Councillor for Horsell, the site fell in the Canalside Ward. The application had met the requirements for a NCIL application and had been supported by the Ward Councillors for Canalside.
That (i) the application submitted by a Ward Councillor for Horsell to improve the Wheatsheaf playground be approved; and
(ii) the Horsell Ward Councillor who made the application be asked to oversee the delivery of the project in accordance with the project plan, project specification, costs and quality control.
Reason: To enable funding to be secured for the Wheatsheaf playground to be made safe and to be reopened for the benefit of children within the Canalside Ward.