8 Future of Brockhill EXE24-067 PDF 153 KB
Reporting Person – Louise Strongitharm
Additional documents:
The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Councillor Johnson, introduced the report which outlined the future of the Brockhill Extra Care Housing scheme. The decision to close the Centre had been taken in February 2024 in light of the significant capital expenditure required and the advice that the Centre no longer met the standards necessary for extra care provision. The Council had worked closely with the tenants and positive progress had been achieved, with the level of occupancy falling from 24 to 9, of which 4 had been offered accommodation elsewhere.
In view of the ongoing safety concerns, it was proposed that the Centre should be fully closed by 30 September 2024. Unfortunately, this could require some residents to move twice in order to secure their ideal long term home. The report before the Executive sought authority to start the process of selling the Council’s freehold interest for the redevelopment of the site in keeping with the local area. The income from the sale of the site would be used to invest in other Council homes.
That (i) a target date for the full closure of Brockhill be set at 30 September 2024;
(ii) authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Director of Democratic and Legal Services, to seek possession (under the Housing Act 1985) of homes at Brockhill where negotiation with tenants proves unsuccessful;
(iii) following vacant possession being achieved, the Brockhill building is demolished and the site redeveloped;
(iv) officers be authorised to engage agents and commence marketing of the Brockhill site for redevelopment purposes; and
(v) authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to make any further decisions required in respect of the decommissioning (including demolition) of the building once vacant possession has been secured.
Reason: To provide residents with a clear plan around the closure of Brockhill Extra Care scheme and the long-term future for the site.