11 Flood Risk Management EXE18-033 PDF 8 MB
Reporting Person – Geoff McManus
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Councillor Davis, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, introduced the report which provided an update in relation to Flood Risk Management work undertaken by the Council. The Executive noted that the schemes contained in the report would be subject to the impact of the COVID 19 crisis on the Council’s available resources.
Members welcomed the schemes set out in the report and commented that priority should be given to those which protected homes. The environmental benefits of the schemes were also noted.
Katherine Waters, the Council’s Drainage and Flood Risk Engineer, explained that surface water flooding was dealt with through the planning process. For example, a resident wishing to pave over a driveway with a non-permeable surface would need to seek planning permission and demonstrate that there would be no increase in water run-off.
The Executive welcomed the report and the Flood Risk Management activities contained within it to help improve flood resilience and resistance in the Borough.
That (i) the current flood risk management work and the summary of future works be noted;
(ii) a £400,000 contribution to the Environment Agency for the financial year 2020/2021, as part of the Council’s partnership contribution, to allow the environmental enhancements and health and wellbeing aspects of the Byfleet Flood Alleviation Scheme to be investigated, designed and incorporated into the final scheme be approved subject to the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources, determining later in the year that, in light of the impacts of the COVID 19 crisis, the Council has the resources available to do so; and
(iii) £100,000 from the Investment Programme to allow the investigation, design and construction of further raingardens within the financial year 2020/2021; and a further £100,000 per year for the following 4 years as per the Investment Programme, be approved subject to the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources, determining later in the year that, in light of the impacts of the COVID 19 crisis, the Council has the resources available to do so.
Reason: To improve the Borough’s resilience and resistance to future flooding.
10. Flood Risk Management EXE18-033 PDF 8 MB
Reporting Person – Douglas Spinks
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