9 Monitoring Reports - Projects EXE19-019 PDF 64 KB
Reporting Person – Ray Morgan
Additional documents:
The Executive received a quarterly monitoring report on the progress of projects in the interest of financial prudence and to ensure open and transparent corporate governance. The Chairman commented that some of the projects had been on the monitoring report for a considerable length of time and encouraged Officers to try to resolve outstanding issues so that projects could be removed from future quarterly reports.
Members discussed the projects which were associated with Freedom Leisure and the Leisure Centre. The Executive noted that the Council had chosen to invest in the Leisure Centre under its Health and Well Being agenda, providing a huge benefit to the Borough. The Executive was informed that asset management was the Council’s responsibility and that the Council’s investment had enabled the service, which was run by Freedom Leisure, to grow over the last five years. Councillor Kemp, Portfolio Holder for Leisure Centre and Pool in the Park, advised that the flumes were expected to be open in July for the summer holidays and that promotional work would be undertaken.
Regarding Project No. 10206 on page 25 of the report, the Chairman undertook to provide an update on the Play Strategy and the additional works at Willow Way park.
Regarding Project No. 10221 on page 26 of the report, the Chairman undertook to provide an update on the Private Finance Initiative at Kingsmoor Park following questions raised at the Executive concerning width and adoption of roads.
Members also discussed Horsell Village Hall, Celebrate Woking 2018-19, Best Bar None 2018 and Woking Park Tennis Court Improvements.
That the report be received.
Reason: To monitor the position of active projects on SharePoint.