Issue - meetings

2019/0554 146-150 Robin Hood Road,

Meeting: 12/11/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 2019/0554 146, 148 and 150 Robin Hood Road, Knaphill, Woking pdf icon PDF 101 KB

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The committee considered a part retrospective full planning application for the erection of part two-storey, part single storey rear extensions plus rear dormer roof extensions and sub-divisions of 3 x dwelling houses into seven flats ( 3 x one-bedroom and 4 x two-bedroom) with associated parking.


Under PLAN/2018/1207 this proposal had been previously refused by the Planning Committee. It was noted that this application was refused for six reasons which were detailed in the planning history section of the report. As detailed on page 83 of the report, the Planning Authority considered that these reasons had been addressed in the current application.


Councillor S Hussain, Ward Councillor, thought that the proposal resulted in a loss of family accommodation and he was not convinced that the application did fully address the previous reasons for refusal. The Planning Officer commented that the application proposed to provide four two-bedroom flats, which were considered to be family housing.


Some concerns were raised regarding the vehicular access and the issues of the location on a sharp corner. It was noted that Surrey County Highway Authority had not raised any objections regarding this and it was also addressed in Condition 3.


Members queried whether it had now been demonstrated that the risk of surface water flooding would not increase. The Planning Officer advised that as the application site was not within a surface water flood risk area and the existing hardstanding to the front of the terrace was shown to be removed, it was not considered that the development would have any significant adverse surface water flood risk/drainage implications.


Condition 2 referenced the hard and soft landscaping to the front of the property. Members asked that this Condition be updated to confirm that the dropped kerb must be removed at the front of the property as this would no longer be permitted as a parking area. It was agreed that Planning Officers would update this Condition.




That planning permission be granted subject to the recommended Conditions and amended Condition 2 and SAMM (TBHSPA) contribution secured by Legal Agreement.