Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 8th June, 2021 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices

Contact: Becky Capon on 01483 743011 or email 


No. Item



To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 6 April 2021 as published.

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That the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 6 April 2021 and 24 May 2021 be approved and signed as a true and correct record.


Apologies for Absence

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No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of Interest

(i)    To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary and other interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.

(ii)   In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, any Member who is a Council- appointed Director of a Thameswey Group company will declare a non-pecuniary interest in any item involving that Thameswey Group company. The interest will not prevent the Member from participating in the consideration of that item.

(iii)   In accordance with the Officer Procedure Rules, any Officer who is a Council- appointed Director of a Thameswey Group company will declare an interest in any item involving that Thameswey Group company. The interest will not prevent the Officer from advising the Committee on that item.

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In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor D Hughes declared a non-pecuniary interest in minute item 6a. 2020/0800 – Garages 1 to 12 between 31 and Pond, Bonsey Lane, Westfield, Woking – arising from her location to the application and had received a resident notification letter to her property. The interest was such that speaking and voting were permissible.


In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor D Hughes declared a pecuniary interest in minute item 6g. Fir Tree Place, 2a Bonsey Lane, Woking – arising from the application property being owned by the Councillor. The interest was such that Councillor D Hughes would leave the Chamber whilst the application was considered.


In accordance with the Officer Procedure Rules, Peter Bryant, Director of Legal and Democratic Services declared a non-pecuniary interest in items 6i COND/21/0079 – Sheerwater and 6j COND/21/0073 – Sheerwater – arising from his position as a Council appointed Director of Thameswey Developments Ltd. The interest was such that it would not prevent the Officer from advising on the item.



Urgent Business

To consider any business that the Chairman rules may be dealt with under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.

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There were no items of Urgent Business.


Planning and Enforcement Appeals pdf icon PDF 57 KB

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The Committee received a report on the planning appeals lodged and the appeal decisions.


That the report be noted.


Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 50 KB

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The Committee determined the following applications subject to the conditions, informatives, reasons for refusal or authorisation of enforcement action which appear in the published report to the Committee or as detailed in these minutes.



2020/0800 - Garages 1 to 12 between 31 and Pond, Bonsey Lane, Westfield pdf icon PDF 77 KB

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[NOTE: In accordance with the procedure for public speaking at Planning Committee, Ms Silvie Zamazalova attended the meeting and spoke in objection to the application. The applicant/agent chose not to address the Committee.]


The Committee considered an application for the demolition of 12 existing disused garages and erection of a three storey 7 unit socially rented apartment block (Amended Plans).


Some concerns were raised regarding the impact the development would have on 12 Bonsey Close. The Planning Officer commented that there would be a separation gap of 18 metres from the southern elevation of the dwelling to the building, which was considered acceptable. In this case a front to flank separation distance policy had been applied and the application adhered to the minimum of 15 metres that was recommended.


Following a query regarding the Great Crested Newts on site, the Planning Officer confirmed that an ecological report had been submitted which made a number of recommendations, which were detailed in paragraph 61 onwards, which was deemed acceptable. Condition 24, regarding reasonable avoidance measures, would also secure protection.




That authority be delegated to the Development Manager (or their authorised deputy) to GRANTplanning permission subject to:


(i)            Planning conditions set out in the report; and

(ii)           Undertaking of the Chief Executive of Woking Borough Council to secure;

-    SAMM (TBH SPA) contribution of £5,051; and

-    100% social rented housing (i.e. 7no units).



021/0128 - Long Reach, Westfield Avenue pdf icon PDF 78 KB

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The Committee considered an application for the erection of 2x detached two storey dwellings with accommodation in the roof space including rear dormer windows and front roof lights, single storey detached garage and associated parking, landscaping, bin and cycle storage following demolition of existing dwelling.


Councillor D Hughes, Ward Councillor, raised some concerns regarding the application and thought that this would harm the outlook of neighbouring properties. In response to some of the Councillors questions, the Planning Officer confirmed that the appeal decision should be a strong material consideration when determining this application; the applicant was currently building on site what had been allowed on appeal. The application before the committee was very similar to what was permitted on appeal with some exceptions, which the Committee needed to determine. It was noted that Condition 9 and 10 removed the permitted development rights for the site, this meant that the Local Planning Authority would be in control of any future development on the site.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the difference between a four and five bedroom property did not have an additional impact on parking or SPA. The additional roof lights and dormer windows were not considered to cause any further impact on surrounding properties.


Following a question, it was confirmed that condition 12 covered he need for parking and turning areas on the site.


A number of Members commented that as the previous application had been approved on appeal, this set a precedent, and it seemed logical to approve the application as set out before the Committee.


Councillor D Hughes requested for a named vote on the application.


In accordance with Standing Order 22.2, the Chairman deemed that a division should be taken on determination of the application.  The votes for and against approval of the application were recorded as follows.

In favour:                           Cllrs T Aziz, A Boote, J Brown, S Dorsett, C Rana and D Roberts.

                                 TOTAL:  6

Against:                              Cllr D Hughes.

                                 TOTAL:  1

Present but not voting:      Cllrs L Morales (Chairman)

                                 TOTAL:  1

The application was therefore approved.




That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.



2017/0972 - Woodham Place, Carlton Road pdf icon PDF 75 KB

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The Committee considered an application for the demolition of 20 no. existing sheltered housing bedsits accommodated within a three storey late Victorian building with 1970s extension, and an adjacent post-war chalet bungalow. Redevelopment of the site to provide 18 wheelchair accessible units (18 x one/two-bedroom) within 2no two storey buildings with accommodation in the roof space.


Some questions were raised regarding how fully the accommodation would provide for wheelchair users, such as hoists, electronic opening doors, charging points for mobility scooters etc. The Planning Officer advised that most of these were building control issues and would fall outside of the remit for Planning; although these units would be built as wheelchair accessible, it was not possible for the specific use to be secured.


The Planning Officer confirmed that there was mobility scooter parking provision on site and assumed charging would be included as part of this.


The Chairman queried what architectural features and heritage assets of the current property would be retained. It was noted that condition 3 covered this point, however the Planning Officer suggested that an informative could be added specifically regarding the date plate on the building as all Members of the Committee thought it important that this particular element was salvaged during demolition. The Committee agreed to add an informative advising to retain the date plate.




That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.



2020/0999 - Land at Hunts Farm, Egley Road pdf icon PDF 194 KB

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The Committee considered an application for the erection of 8 dwelling houses, new access, parking, landscaping and amenity space.


Some Members were concern by the close vicinity of the properties to the Hoe Stream, which had flooded only this year, and queried what mitigation was in place. The Planning Officer confirmed that the Council’s Drainage and Flooding Team had been consulted on the application and that they were content with the scheme subject to the conditions set out.


Members thought that this was a good use of a cul de sac location and was an appropriate village infill on greenbelt land. It exceeded the parking provision as set out in the strategy and provided a number of new smaller dwellings that were very much needed in Woking.


Following a request for clarification on point 25 of the report, the Planning Officer explained that initially the scheme had proposed to give some land to the Council as part of the application. It was later deemed that this would not be necessary to make the application acceptable, therefore it cannot be considered part of the application, and clarity of ownership would not be required.


The Chairman commended the applicant on how many electric charging points there were on site.


The Vice-Chairman commented that he welcomed smaller low rise developments for families in the Borough.




That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions and a S106 agreement.


2021/0160 - YPod Centre pdf icon PDF 62 KB

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The Committee considered an application for advertisement consent for installation of 1No. acrylic sign to main entrance door and 1No. wall mounted acrylic fascia sign over the garage/car park doors.




That advertisement consent be GRANTED.


2021/0325 - Heathcot Medical Centre pdf icon PDF 61 KB

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The Committee considered an application for a proposed single storey extension to the rear (North) elevation of the existing Doctors Surgery to provide additional consultation and treatment facilities.




That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.



2021/0321 - Fir Tree Place, 2A Bonsey Lane pdf icon PDF 59 KB

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[NOTE: Councillor D Hughes left the Chamber whilst the application was considered.]


The Committee considered an application for the erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of rear conservatory, alterations to fenestration. Conversion of existing loft space to habitable use with 4no Velux rooflights.




That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.



TREE/2021/8100 - 169 Percheron Drive pdf icon PDF 294 KB

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The Committee considered a report which recommend that they provide consent for a tree works application in regard to T1 Lime - Re-pollard to previous points.




That consent be GRANTED for the Tree Works Application REF. TREE/2021/8012.



COND/21/0079 - Sheerwater pdf icon PDF 94 KB

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The Committee considered a partial approval of details pursuant to Condition 52 (energy efficiency and water consumption) for Phase Red only of planning permission PLAN/2018/0337 for the Sheerwater Regeneration.




That the details submitted be approved.



COND/21/0073 - Sheerwater pdf icon PDF 62 KB

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The Committee considered a Partial approval of details pursuant to Conditions 54 (Arboricultural Method Statement) and 57 (Works within Root Protection Areas) for the Leisure Centre Car Park only of planning permission PLAN/2018/0337.




That the details submitted be approved.