Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday, 9th February, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Frank Jeffrey, Head of Democratic Services  on 01483 743012 or email


No. Item


Apologies for Absence.

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Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Caulfield, Councillor Cosnahan and Councillor Ali.



To approve the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 1 December 2022, as published.

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That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 1 December 2022 be approved and signed as a true and correct record.


Mayor's Communications.

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The Mayor paid tribute to two senior officers of Woking Borough Council, Adele Devon and Ernest Amoako, who had sadly passed away in recent weeks. 

Adele had been the Council’s ICT Manager and had worked at the Authority for over thirty years.  Passionate about work and always thoughtful of others, Adele had been a great mentor to many over the years.  Ernest had joined Woking Borough Council in 2009 and had served as the Council’s Planning Policy Manager.  Ernest had been much admired for his sense of humour, and his dedication to work and the Borough of Woking. 

Both Officers had been greatly respected and liked across the Authority and Surrey as a whole, and they would be much missed by both Officers and Elected Members.  On behalf of the Council, the Mayor extended the condolences of Officers and Councillors to the families and friends of Adele and Ernest.  Those present at the meeting stood and observed two minutes’ silence in memory of Adele and Ernest.

Before moving onto his report on the recent events and activities he had participated in, the Mayor congratulated Councillor Kirby, his wife and family on the recent birth of his son.

The Mayor outline the engagements he had attended over December and January.  These had included a tea at the Civic Offices with John Goslen, a resident of Old Woking who had dedicated his life to the local community.  The Chinese New Year had been celebrated on the previous weekend, marking the start of the Year of the Rabbit.  The Mayor had attended the Young Musician Performers event at St Johns Church, as well as several events at the New Victoria Theatre.

The Mayor congratulated the Surrey and Woking residents who had been included in the King’s New Year’s Honours List, including Julie Hopkins, manager of the Community Fridge in Knaphill.


Urgent Business.

To consider any business which the Chairman rules may be dealt with under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.

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No items of Urgent Business were considered.


Declarations of Interest. pdf icon PDF 46 KB

(i)           To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary and other interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.

(ii)         In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Chief Executive, Julie Fisher, declares a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that Mrs Fisher may advise on those items.

(iii)        In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director - Corporate Resources, Kevin Foster declares a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which he is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that Mr Foster may advise on those items.

(iv)        In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director - Place, Giorgio Framalicco, declares a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which he is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that Mr Framalicco may advise on those items.

(v)         In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director - Communities, Louise Strongitharm, declares a disclosable personal interest (non[1]pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that Mrs Strongitharm may advise on those items.

Additional documents:


In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Chief Executive, Julie Fisher, declared a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she was a Council-appointed director.  The companies were listed in an attached schedule.  The interests were such that Mrs Fisher could advise on those items.

In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director - Corporate Resources, Kevin Foster declared a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which he was a Council-appointed director.  The companies were listed in an attached schedule.  The interests were such that Mr Foster could advise on those items.

In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director - Place, Giorgio Framalicco, declared a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which he was a Council-appointed director.  The companies were listed in an attached schedule.  The interests were such that Mr Framalicco could advise on those items.

In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director - Communities, Louise Strongitharm, declared a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she was a Council-appointed director.  The companies were listed in an attached schedule.  The interests were such that Mrs Strongitharm could advise on those items.



Questions. pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To deal with written questions submitted by Members under Standing Order 8.1.  Copies of the questions and of the draft replies (which are subject to amendment by the Leader of the Council) will be laid upon the table.

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Copies of questions submitted under Standing Order 8.1 together with draft replies had been published in advance of the meeting. The replies were confirmed by Members of the Executive, supplementary questions were asked and replies given as set out below:

1.      Question from Councillor Gary Elson

“Please can the Leader / Portfolio Holder update members on the latest status of applications for Financial Assistance received from the various Community Groups and Organisations within our Borough.

How many have applied, how many have been successful in being granted the full amount requested, how many have been granted reduced funding and how many will not receive anything?”

Reply from Councillor Will Forster

“This year applicants wanting to be considered by the Woking Council Community Fund were asked to apply to the Community Foundation for Surrey (CFS).  The deadline for full applications was 23rd January 2023.

All previous beneficiaries of the Council’s community grants were contacted at the end of the Summer 2022 to inform them of the new process.  Two Q&A sessions were facilitated online with community groups to discuss the process in more detail, held in September and December 2022.  Both sessions were informative and attendees were grateful for the information.

At the deadline for full applications CFS had received 33 full applications and are now in the process of reviewing these.  All eligible full applications will be presented and discussed at the Woking Council Community Fund Panel on the 4th of April 2023.  Awards will then be made in May.

Service Level Agreements for five charities are now being drafted ready for the next financial year.  These are for groups who provide specific services for the Council, and this process will ensure they are funded for the work they do.  The value of these services is just under £500k.

A full report will be provided to the Executive in June 2023 detailing the outcomes of the grant awards.  This will include an overview of the applications plus all of the wider discretionary benefits the Council provides to support the voluntary sector in Woking.”

Supplementary Question


2.      Question from Councillor Gary Elson

“Can the Portfolio Holder explain why consideration was not given to change the status of the emerging Town Centre Masterplan from a SPD to a DPD having insisted that pre prescribed tall building height limits would be set within a range?”

Reply from Councillor Liam Lyons

“The National Planning Policy Framework (last updated July 2021) defines SPDs as ‘documents which add further detail to the policies in the development plan.  They can be used to provide further guidance for development on specific sites, or on particular issues, such as design.  Supplementary planning documents are capable of being a material consideration in planning decisions’.  Similarly, in National Planning Practice Guidance (published 2019) it is further specified that ‘supplementary planning documents (SPDs) should build upon and provide more detailed advice or guidance on policies in an adopted local plan.  They are however a material consideration in decision-making’. 

Although SPDs  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Recommendations of the Executive WBC23-009. pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To receive and consider recommendations from the Executive.

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Councillor A-M Barker moved and Councillor W Forster seconded the reception and adoption of the report and recommendations from the meetings of the Executive held on 8 December 2022 and 19 January 2022.


Empty Homes Plan EXE22-049

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The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Councillor Johnson, introduced the recommendations of the Executive in respect of the proposal to adopt the Empty Homes Plan for 2022 to 2027.  The Plan set out how the Council would seek to achieve three key priorities, namely to minimise the number of empty homes through interventions, to maximise the opportunities for returning empty homes back to use through initiatives and incentives, and to maximise the effectiveness of enforcement action to bring empty homes back into use.  The targets set were realistic and had been based on what was considered achievable over the five years, recognising the amount of time each investigation took.

The proposals were welcomed by the Council and the Portfolio Holder responded to points raised during the debate before the Mayor referred Members to the recommendations of the Executive.


That (i)    the Empty Homes Plan 2022 – 2027, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be adopted; and

          (ii)   the Strategic Director - Communities be delegated authority to make minor amendments to the Empty Homes Plan in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing.


Notice of Motion - Cllr S Dorsett - Renaming of Henry Plaza EXE23-018

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In December 2022, the Council had received a notice of motion from Councillor Dorsett which proposed the renaming of Henry Plaza to Queen Elizabeth II Plaza.  The motion stated:

“The passing of Her Majesty Queen is one of the most important events in our lifetime. Many Woking residents, including current and former Councillors, made the journey to Westminster to pay tribute by “Queuing for the Queen”. Our own events over that week, including the Proclamation of the new King, and the moment of National Reflection, were extremely well attended by Woking residents, and Jubilee Square was fill to capacity. Given the strength of feeling Woking residents clearly have for the Royal Family and especially to the memory of Her Majesty the Queen, we are proposing a permanent tribute to Her Majesty. With that in mind it is proposed we rename Henry Plaza, the newest part of the Victoria Place, to Queen Elizabeth II Plaza.

Given that the Plaza opened in March of this year, the same year of her Platinum Jubilee and her untimely passing, it feels right in this year we can commemorate her memory with this tribute. Few residents are aware of the reasoning behind the current name of Henry Plaza. But having it be named Queen Elizabeth II Plaza, along with Jubilee Square and the Victoria Place itself, feels thematically constant. This tribute will reflect the love and admiration for her felt by our Woking community.”

The motion had been referred to the Executive for consideration and, at its meeting in January 2023, the Executive had recommended that the motion should not be supported.  The Square had been named after Henry Cawsey, a local resident who had served on both Surrey County Council and Woking Borough Council.  He had been a Borough Councillor for over fifty years, had been elected Mayor and had been chosen as one of the first Eminent Citizen’s of Woking.  The Executive had, however, supported the ambition to commemorate the life of the Queen and alternative locations would be considered.

In introducing the recommendation of the Executive, the Portfolio Holder for Special Projects, Councillor Forster, further advised the Council of the legal and financial implications of a name change of the nature proposed.  A street name change recently reported in the press, for example, had revealed that it had cost the local Authority £185,000.  It was emphasised that Members supported the idea behind the motion but that Henry Plaza was not suitable, recognising the likely costs involved and the upset the proposal had caused for the family of Henry Cawsey.  It was therefore reiterated that other locations would be explored for a suitable memorial and that a plaque would be erected in Henry Plaza setting out the significant contribution Henry Cawsey had made to the Borough for over half a century.

Councillor Dorsett spoke in support of the motion, stressing that the proposal sought to achieve a lasting memorial of the Queen, recognising the impact she had had on generations of Woking residents.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7b


Notice of Motion - Cllr S Dorsett - Minutes of Council Meetings EXE23-019

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At its meet in January 2023, the Executive had considered a further motion submitted by Councillor Dorsett in respect of the minutes of meetings of the Council.  Whilst the original motion had referred solely to the minutes of Council meetings, the Executive proposed an amended motion which would ensure that the proposals would apply equally to the minutes of the Executive.  The Leader of the Council therefore advised that the Executive had supported the motion as amended below (with the additional wording highlighted in bold):

“Openness and Transparency are vital to the workings of this Council.  Therefore the minutes of Full Council should adequately reflect members supplementary questions to the Leader and the Executive.

At present Councillor Questions to Full Council are recorded with the written answers given as a printed document.  However supplementary questions and answers are not minuted.

This means the only way for our residents to understand the supplementary question and subsequent answer is to watch the meeting from the webcast.

We want to make it as easy as possible for our residents to engage with the work we as a council do therefore moving forwards this Council resolves to include in the minutes all Supplementary Questions from members, along with the answers given.  This will allow our residents to better understand and follow how the Executive is held to account by members.  Furthermore, the Council resolves to include in the minutes of the Executive all public questions, supplementary questions and the answers given at meetings of the Executive.”

The proposals were welcomed by the Members and the amended wording was agreed by the Council.


That the Motion, to be amended to include Public Questions to the Executive, be supported.


Notice of Motion - Cllr W Forster - Community Diagnostic Centre in Woking EXE23-020

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At the meeting of Council in December 2022, Councillor Forster had presented a notice of motion which welcomed the recent decision to open a community diagnostic centre at Woking Community Hospital.  The motion stated that:

“This Council notes that our residents’ closest diagnostic centres are currently in Ashford, Chertsey and Guildford. At present Woking residents often have to travel outside the Borough for medical tests or a diagnosis.

This Council warmly welcomes and fully supports the decision to open a community diagnostic centre at Woking Community Hospital. The planned expansion of a diagnostic hub in Woking is in line with the NHS Long Term Plan will provide a local, accessible service for our residents. The Council recognises that access to the new services has the potential to improve our residents quality of life and may help to save lives.

This Council believes that the decision to open a strategic community diagnostic hub in Woking is a clear example of this authority’s close working relationship with our key partners, especially Ashford and St Peters NHS Trust, Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board and CSH.”

The Leader of the Council introduced the recommendation of the Executive to support the motion in recognition of the significant benefits the new centre would bring for the residents of the Borough.  Councillor Forster spoke strongly in support of the motion, and the confirmation of the diagnostic hub was welcomed by the Councillors.


That the Motion be supported.


Allocation of Polling Places WBC23-007. pdf icon PDF 80 KB

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The Leader of the Council introduced a report which set out the outcome of a review of three polling places, and recommended the designation of three new polling places.  The three polling places – Oaktree School, Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery and the Lightbox on Chobham Road – had been reviewed amid concerns over availability, accessibility and disruption to schools.  As a result, three new locations had been identified, comprising Sutton Avenue, the Lighthouse, Barnsbury and the Welcome Church.

The report outlined the considerations the Council had to take into account when reviewing polling places, in particular around accessibility.  The Council noted that the proposals had been considered at a recent meeting of the Elections Panel, the Chairman of which, Claire Storey, was present at the Council meeting.  The Councillors for the Wards affected welcomed the proposals and the benefits they would bring for electors and the local schools.

The Council thanked the Officers for their work in identifying suitable alternative sites and noted the measures that would be taken to ensure the electors were advised of the new arrangements.


That the designation of the following sites as polling places be agreed:

o      Sutton Avenue, St John’s West polling district in the St John’s Ward;

o      The Lighthouse Barnsbury, Barnsbury polling district in the Heathlands Ward; and

o      The Welcome Church, Town Centre/Town Centre North polling district in the Canalside Ward.


Appointments to Committees 2022-23 WBC23-006. pdf icon PDF 61 KB

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Following his appointment to the Executive with effect from 1 January 2023, Councillor Graves had stood down from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Planning Committee, the Standards and Audit Committee and the Standards Panel.  The report proposed the appointment of Councillor Leach to the resulting vacancies for the remainder of the Municipal Year, after he had stood down from the Executive.  The membership of working groups and task groups was unaffected.


That Councillor Leach be appointed to theOverview and Scrutiny Committee, the Planning Committee, the Standards and Audit Committee and the Standards Panel for the remainder of the 2022/23 Municipal Year.


Appointment of Statutory Officer WBC23-008. pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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The Council received a report which dealt with the management arrangements resulting from the resignation of the Director of Legal and Democratic Services.  The report recommended appointments to five statutory positions held by the Director; these were: the Council’s Monitoring Officer, the Deputy Electoral Registration Officer, the Data Protection Officer, the Senior Information Risk Manager and the Caldicott Guardian.  An explanation of each of the roles was included in the report.


That  (i)    Gareth John, Interim Director of Legal and Democratic Services designate, be appointed as Monitoring Officer, Deputy Electoral Registration Officer and Data Protection Officer with effect from 3rd April 2023;

          (ii)   Kevin Foster, Strategic Director of Corporate Resource, be appointed as Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) with immediate effect; and

          (iii)  Louise Strongitharm, Strategic Director of Communities, be appointed as Caldicott guardian with immediate effect.


Notices of Motion.

To deal with anymotions received in accordance with Standing Order 5.0.  Any motions received before the deadline has passed for the receipt of motions will be published in advance of the meeting.

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No notices of motion had been received.


Announcement of Nomination of Deputy Mayor 2023/24.

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The Leader of the Council, Councillor A-M Barker, announced the intention to nominate Councillor Louise Morales as Deputy Mayor for the 2023/24 Municipal Year.