Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Doug Davern on 01483 743018 or email
No. | Item |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 19 November 2020 as published. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 19 November 2020 be approved and signed as a true and correct record. |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Kemp. |
Urgent Business To consider any business that the Chairman rules may be dealt with under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of Urgent Business under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interest from Members and Officers in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Forster declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 37, The Club at Old Woking - Application for Financial Assistance, arising from his role as a Trustee of the Old Woking Community Centre. The interest was such that speaking was permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Forster declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 57, Woking Shopmobility - Application for Financial Assistance, arising from his role as a Council representative on the Group. The interest was such that speaking was permissible.
Questions Additional documents: Minutes: No questions had been submitted to the Executive. |
Applications for Financial Assistance - Annual Report EXE20-052 PDF 165 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Councillor Azad, stated that the purpose of the final Executive meeting of the year was to resolve the Council’s collective support for the most vulnerable people in the Borough, adding that the pandemic had shown the importance of local community and voluntary organisations. The Portfolio Holder for Grants to Voluntary and Community Organisations, Councillor Ashall, introduced the report which set out the grant applications received as part of the Community Support Scheme 2021/22, noting that the recommended funding totalled £909,052 of the available revenue budget, with a further £10,000 to be ringfenced. In addition, the recommendations for capital or one-off applications equated to £158,014 from the Community Fund. All awards were stated to be provisional on the expectation that the Council’s budgets for revenue and capital projects remained at the same level allocated for the current financial year. The Council’s overall budget, including the sums allocated for community grants, were to be determined by Council at its meeting on 11 February 2021. In the event that the grant budgets were set at the anticipated levels, confirmation of the Council’s support would be sent to successful applicants. It was added that if the grants budgets were reduced to achieve savings and offset the impact of Covid-19 on the Council’s financial position, a special meeting of the Executive would be held on 25 February 2021 to review the provisional awards and allocate the funds available on a priority basis. Councillor Ashall stated that Woking was fortunate to have such excellent community groups and a dynamic charitable sector. The Executive noted the high level of support included grant funding, accommodation, concessionary rent, discretionary rate relief, parking spaces and the provision of advice. The total value of the Council’s support for the voluntary sector for the coming year was estimated to be £1,962,306. The Shadow Portfolio Holder for Grants to Voluntary and Community Organisations, Councillor Forster, stated that he was pleased with the cross-party work which had taken place over the past few months which had resulted in agreement over all the proposals before the Executive except for one application, although expressed concern over the possibility of reductions in grant awards following the budget setting meeting of Full Council in February 2021. Following a question regarding the impact on local groups of confirmation of grant awards being received close to the start of the next financial year, the Chief Executive, Ray Morgan, informed the Executive that the Groups would be advised of the Council’s intent and would have contingency plans in place. It was hoped that the grant awards could be confirmed, however it would depend on the level of hardship faced by the Council. Councillors Azad and Ashall thanked Officers for their work in the preparation of the reports before the Executive. RESOLVED That That (i) the report be noted; (ii) any unused funds remaining in the budget from the 2021/22 financial year be transferred to the Community Fund; (iii) the allocation of funding of ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Age UK Surrey - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-108 PDF 123 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a one-off grant of £5,000 be awarded from the Community Fund towards the costs of the telephone befriending service. Reason: To enable isolated and vulnerable residents of the Borough to be supported by the befriending calls during the pandemic. |
Byfleet Bowls Club - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-066 PDF 81 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Cherry Trees - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-104 PDF 121 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of up to £2,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget to cover the costs of providing tea visits to young people living in the Borough of Woking. Reason: To support the invaluable work the Charity provides to young people in the Borough with severe learning and physical disabilities. |
Citizens Advice Woking - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-084 PDF 145 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received an application for a revenue grant from Citizens Advice Woking towards the core service of the Charity, the Guildford County Court Helpdesk, the Financial Capability Programme and the service charge for the accommodation at Provincial House. Councillor Forster reported that he was pleased that the Council was supporting the application to the level applied for, and had attended its recent AGM along with Councillor Harlow. The work carried out by the organisation was stated to have increased due to the effects of the pandemic, particularly in relation to Universal Credit, and was expected to continue to do so over the ensuing year. Councillor Ashall welcomed the comments and stated that it was the intention of the Executive to support the organisation at the level applied for as there would be a high demand for its services in the current climate. RESOLVED, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, That (i) core funding of £218,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget to continue to support the core service of Citizens’ Advice Woking; (ii) funding of £10,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the costs of the Guildford County Court Help Desk; (iii) funding of £11,500 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget to ensure the continuation of the Financial Capability programme; and (iv) the Council continues to cover the service charge for the accommodation at Provincial House from the Community Grants Budget, which for next year will be circa £53,000. Reason: To enable the organisation to provide its services to Woking residents. |
Community Advice Forum - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-121 PDF 98 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Coram Life Education - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-096 PDF 135 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, (i) a grant of £21,204 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the revenue costs of the education programme in Woking; and (ii) a capital grant of £1,500 be awarded from the Community Fund towards the costs of purchasing equipment for the education programmes. Reason: To continue the support for Coram Life Education towards the delivery of its programmes to schoolchildren in the Borough. |
Crossroads Care Surrey - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-102 PDF 110 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £10,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the costs of the provision of additional care hours for clients in Woking. Reason: To achieve the provision of additional care hours for families in the Woking area to reduce the Service’s waiting list. |
Engage Woking Schools - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-091 PDF 113 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Friends of the Elderly - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-095 PDF 106 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, funding of £5,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the salary of the Volunteer Co-ordinator. Reason: The Befriending Service will support the Council’s Health and Well Being priority areas as well as complementing the Council’s Social Prescribing service. |
GASP Motor Project - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-068 PDF 108 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £5,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the provision of basic motor mechanics after-school courses in the Borough for young people who are at risk of becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). Reason: To assist young people in the Borough who may be disengaged with school to develop their skills and aspirations in basic motor mechanics. |
Headway Surrey - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-059 PDF 114 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Forster stated that Headway Surrey carried out vital and specialist work in the community to help people who were suffering with brain injuries and that he would be supportive of the grant award, having undertaken a visit to the Group during his Mayoral year. RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £4,000 be awarded from the Community Fund to support the work of Headway Surrey in Woking. Reason: To ensure that services for those with an acquired head injury continue to be available in the Borough. |
Home-Start Runnymede and Woking - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-070 PDF 140 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £10,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget to provide additional support to families in Woking. Reason: To support the service of Home-Start Runnymede and Woking for families in most need of assistance residing with the Borough of Woking. |
Inclusive Intergenerational Dance - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-092 PDF 105 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Intergenerational Music Making - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-116 PDF 128 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a revenue contribution of £2,500 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the costs of establishing Community Hubs in the Borough. Reason: To support the ambitions of the Group in supporting those in greatest need through the creation of intergenerational relationships between those in need of support. |
Jigsaw (South-East) - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-105 PDF 129 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £5,500 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the Grief Project for families residing in the Borough. Reason: To enhance the provision available in the Borough for supporting children and young people who have lost a close family member. |
LCAG Lift Up Together and Little Minions - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-120 PDF 97 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That the funding awarded to the Group during 2020/21 (£15,563) be carried forward to cover the costs of the Lift Up Together and Little Minions groups over the 2021/22 financial year. Reason: To enable the support of those with mental health issues and children aged 7-11 in Lakeview and the surrounding area in the absence of statutory support. |
Let's Read Ltd - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-089 PDF 111 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, funding of £10,500 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the cost of the literacy improvement programme. Reason: To support the Let's Read literacy improvement programme to improve literacy standards in the Borough. |
LinkAble - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-111 PDF 143 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £34,200 be awarded from the Community Fund towards the cost of the Head of Services role for each of the years 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24. Reason: To provide the Charity with funding for to enable it to continue to enhance its services for residents in the Borough. |
MASCOT - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-083 PDF 143 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Mayford Village Hall - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-087 PDF 88 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Mediation Surrey - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-088 PDF 112 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £4,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the running costs of the mediation service provided to residents of the Borough of Woking. Reason: To enable the mediation service to be available for residents of the Borough. |
Outline - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-074 PDF 131 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, (i) a revenue grant of £6,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the cost of running the helpline and the support group; and (ii) a one-off capital grant of up to a maximum of £1,000 be awarded from the Community Fund towards the costs of office fixtures and fittings and a server cabinet. Reason: To provide support for the organisation and its operating costs. |
Relate West Surrey - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-081 PDF 112 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, funding of £15,000 revenue be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the service charge at Provincial House for 2021/22. Reason: To support the Group in its activities by assisting with the costs of the service charge for the accommodation in Provincial House, Woking. |
Sight for Surrey - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-103 PDF 115 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Surrey Care Trust - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-086 PDF 118 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £5,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the free STEPS Alternative Learning Provision in Woking. Reason: To enable Surrey Care Trust to continue to run the STEPS Youth Counselling service for 16 to 25 year olds in Woking. |
Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care Ltd - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-079 PDF 102 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £6,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the telephone counselling service. Reason: The structured counselling interventions provided by the Group would be of benefit to users of drugs and alcohol based in the Borough. |
Surrey North Area Cruse Bereavement Care - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-090 PDF 111 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £3,700 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the running costs of the service in Woking. Reason: The Council’s support will ensure that the Organisation is able to continue to provide an essential service for individuals in the Borough who are directly affected by bereavement. |
Surrey Welfare Rights Unit - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-064 PDF 104 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
TALK Surrey CIO - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-097 PDF 99 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
The Brigitte Trust - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-082 PDF 106 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £2,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget to cover the costs of a volunteer training programme in Woking. Reason: To enable the Trust to offer its services to more residents of the Borough through the recruitment of additional volunteers. |
The Club at Old Woking - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-065 PDF 96 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Forster had declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item, arising from his role as a Trustee of the Old Woking Community Centre. The interest was such that speaking was permissible.) RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of up to £2,500 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the rental costs of The Club and to employ a youth worker. Reason: To enable the Group to continue its work with young people in South Woking. |
The Counselling Partnership - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-061 PDF 96 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £3,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the salary costs of the part-time Administrator and Clinical Services Manager. Reason: To enable the Counselling Partnership to continue their work within the Borough of Woking. |
The Lighthouse - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-100 PDF 113 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £18,200 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards operational costs. Reason: To enable the charity to continue to engage with a high number of users from Woking including those from different cultural backgrounds and ages, with its broad and diverse offer of support for the community and for people in Woking who need help. |
The Maybury Centre Trust - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-085 PDF 125 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, (i) a revenue grant of £33,683 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the costs of the Maybury Centre (£4,683), the Liaise Women's Centre (£15,000), and the Schoolhouse Project (£14,000); and (ii) the decision on the proposed Café and any associated refurbishment to the sum of £25,000, project managed by the Council, be deferred for consideration as part of the Council’s Investment Programme, to be received by the Executive at its meeting on 4 February 2021. Reason: To enable the Centre to continue in providing its services, including the management of the Schoolhouse Project and the Liaise Women’s Centre. |
The Therapy Garden - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-053 PDF 153 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED Reason: The application has not provided sufficient justification for the Council to award revenue funding for an existing service and in view of this, the position of the Council’s budget and the comments of the Council’s Family Services Manager, it is not felt that the application should be supported. |
The Useful Wood Company - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-113 PDF 108 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received an application for a capital grant from The Useful Wood Company towards the purchase of specialist equipment. Following a question by Councillor Forster regarding the relocation of the Group, the Chief Executive stated that a vacant industrial unit had been identified not far from its current location and a visit was being arranged by the Council to enable the Group to assess its suitability. RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of 50% of the costs up to a maximum of £4,250 be awarded from the Community Fund towards the purchase of specialist equipment. Reason: To support the Charity in its ambitions to widen the scope of the training available and increase the range of products produced. |
The Woking Community Furniture Project - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-062 PDF 101 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a one-off grant of up to £15,417 be awarded from the Community Fund towards the salary costs of the three part-time roles applied for during the 2021/22 financial year. Reason: To assist the group continue to provide part-time employment opportunities to three people with mental health issues who had previously acted as volunteers. |
Trinity Methodist Church (ROC Woking) - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-110 PDF 127 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
West Surrey Family History Society - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-073 PDF 101 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking Age Concern - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-069 PDF 101 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking and District Men's Shed - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-098 PDF 117 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, (i) a grant of £6,364 towards the purchase of tools be awarded from the Community Fund, the funding to be available in the current financial year; and (ii) 50% of the costs of putting in place paving for the area to the front of the two new sheds at the West Hall Care Home be awarded from the Community Fund up to a maximum of £5,133, the funding to be available in the 2021/22 financial year. Reason: To enable older people to benefit from a practical community activity. |
Woking and Sam Beare Hospices - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-058 PDF 112 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £47,400 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the cost of the Senior Community Team Leader in the community. Reason: To support the community nursing team in providing care and support to patients in their own homes in the Borough. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, funding be awarded at the requested level of £3,200 from the Community Grants Budget towards hydrotherapy sessions for its Woking-based members. Reason: The provision of accessible hydrotherapy sessions will help those in the Borough living with Parkinson’s to maintain a level of mobility and pain relief for as long as possible, and is in line with the identified priority areas in the Council’s Health and Well Being Strategy. |
Woking Blackhawks Basketball Club - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-101 PDF 100 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of up to £4,500 be awarded from the Community Fund, representing 50% of the cost of each of additional balls (up to £300), a livestream camera (up to £200), and a shooting machine (up to £4,000), subject to the presentation of invoices. Reason: The proposed funding would assist the Club purchase new equipment to improve its standing and enable young people in the Borough to reach their full potential. |
Woking Community Transport (Bustler) - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-093 PDF 126 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received an application for a revenue grant from Woking Community Transport towards its Bustler service. Following a question by Councillor Forster on the potential relocation of the Group away from its current Depot at Moorcroft, the Chief Executive reported that it had not been possible to progress the planned move to the site previously used by the Robin Hood pub, due to the visual impact and the level of costs required. An alternative location for the Depot had been identified as part of a wider redevelopment at the industrial site in Monument Way West, however it would not be available for around three years and would be dependent on the Council’s financial climate after the pandemic. An interim location was being considered at the Clockhouse building in the West of the Borough, which included a large car park for the Group’s vehicles. RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £205,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the core costs of the existing Borough-wide Dial-a-Ride service. Reason: To support the Dial-a-Ride service across the Borough of Woking. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £18,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget to assist towards the costs of the Town Centre Buggy service operated by Woking Community Transport. Reason: To enable Woking Community Transport to continue to provide the Town Centre Buggy service in Woking. |
Woking Family Contact Centre - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-060 PDF 91 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £250 be awarded from the Community Fund towards core costs. Reason: To enable the Charity to purchase items required to create a safe space for families with children who are separated or have had a breakdown in trust. |
Woking High School Academy Trust - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-106 PDF 115 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of 50% of the costs of upgrading the Main Hall’s lighting, up to a maximum of £8,000, be awarded from the Community Fund. Reason: To support the School’s ambitions in improving the lighting for the stage in the Man Hall as part of its creative arts programme. |
Woking Parks Bowls Club - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-107 PDF 97 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking People of Faith - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-078 PDF 126 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £5,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the core costs of the Group. Reason: To enable the Group to continue to build strong relationships between people of different faiths and culture in the Borough. |
Woking Shopmobility - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-080 PDF 95 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Forster declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item, arising from his role as a Council representative on the Group. The interest was such that speaking was permissible.) RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £12,500 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the running costs of ShopMobility. Reason: To ensure the continued services of the Group for Woking residents. |
Woking Street Angels - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-063 PDF 105 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking Strokeability - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-075 PDF 95 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process,a grant of £1,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the costs of offering free transport to members travelling to and from exercise sessions at either the Leisure Centre or the pool at Woking Homes. Reason: Woking Strokeability provides a valued service to stoke sufferers through its exercise and aqua aerobics sessions held in the community. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, funding of £1,964 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the cost of renting a room at the Moorcroft Centre. Reason: To enable Woking Talking Newspaper to continue to provide its service to those people in the Borough with a visual impairment. |
Woking United Reformed Church Charity - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-071 PDF 145 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received an application for a capital grant from Woking United Reformed Church towards the final phase of its extensive refurbishment programme. Councillor Forster stated that he would be in favour of supporting the application received from the Woking United Reformed Church due to the good work undertaken in the community such as assisting refugees and carrying out youth work. It was stated that the Church had applied for, and been awarded, capital funding of £25,000 last year as it had broken down its building projects into phases, and this element represented the final phase. Councillor Forster urged the Executive to agree a grant award to support the application. Councillor Ashall advised that the Church was awarded a significant grant last year and the recommendation before the Executive was not a reflection on the Church itself, and the good work undertaken in the community had been noted. The Executive agreed the recommendation as set out in the report. RESOLVED Reason: In light of the Council’s current financial situation, and taking into account the support awarded for the current financial year, a further contribution of £20,000 towards the project cannot be justified. |
Woodham Parish Hall - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-067 PDF 90 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That no grant be awarded. Reason: In light of the Council’s current financial situation, and taking into account the support awarded for the current financial year, a further contribution cannot be justified. |
York Road Project - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-109 PDF 133 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received an application for a revenue grant from the York Road Project towards the core costs of assisting people who had become homeless in Woking. Councillor Forster paid tribute to the excellent work carried out by the Project during the pandemic and suggested that the County Councillors lobby Surrey County Council regarding its financial support provided to the Group. Following a question regarding the relocation of the Charity to Goldworth Road, the Chief Executive stated that the planning application was in train and the applicant owned the site, which would facilitate a lower cost to the Council. It was stated that Planning Services was considering the application and hoped that the Planning Committee could determine it at its meeting in January 2021 with an officer recommendation for approval. Councillor Azad agreed that the work of the York Road Project had been invaluable during the pandemic and was content to work collaboratively with Councillor Forster regarding the important funding provided by the County Council. The Portfolio Holder for Housing Services, Councillor Harlow, added that it was clear that the work of the Group was excellent and was pleased with the progress of the Next Steps programme to prevent the cycle of homelessness. RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, funding of £53,400 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the cost of the service, conditional on the funding from Surrey County Council not ceasing otherwise a review of the funding provided would be required. Reason: To enable the York Road Project to continue its existing valued service provision in the Borough. |
yourSanctuary - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-099 PDF 131 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received an application for a revenue grant from Your Sanctuary towards its Domestic Abuse service in the Borough. Following a suggestion by Councillor Forster, Councillor Ashall agreed that the funding awarded to Your Sanctuary be amended from £24,000 to the sum of £24,250, representing the amount originally applied for. The Executive noted the ongoing and excellent work undertaken by the Charity and agreed the amendment. RESOLVED That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £24,250 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the cost of the service. Reason: To enable the excellent and valued work of the Group tackling Domestic Abuse to take place. |