Agenda and minutes

Appointment of Working Groups, Executive - Monday, 22nd May, 2023 7.15 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Julie Northcote  on 01483 743053 or email

No. Item


Working Groups 2023-24

To appoint Members to the Working Groups under the remit of the Executive.

The report will be published in due course.


The Leader moved and Councillor Forster seconded the appointment of Members to Working Groups under the remit of the Executive.


That Councillors be appointed to the following Working Groups as detailed below:

Greener Woking WG (8)

Cllr Brown

Cllr Davis

Cllr Graves

Cllr Greentree

Cllr Javaid

Cllr Leach

Cllr Oades

Cllr Sullivan

Joint Infrastructure Working Group (7)

Cllr Aziz

Cllr Barker

Cllr Boote

Cllr Dorsett

Cllr Forster

Cllr Lyons

Cllr Morales

Leisure Partnership Board (5)

Cllr Dorsett

Cllr Caulfield

Cllr Johnson

Cllr Leach

Cllr Nicholson

(Cllr Barker)

(Cllr Brown)

(Cllr Martin)

Local Development Framework WG (7)

Cllr Aziz

Cllr Boote

Cllr Cosnahan

Cllr Dorsett

Cllr Lyons

Cllr Morales

Cllr Mukherjee

Neighbourhood CIL Working Group (6)

Cllr Aziz

Cllr Barker

Cllr Boote

Cllr Dorsett

Cllr Graves

Cllr Greentree

Safer Woking Partnership Group (4)

Cllr Barker

Cllr Jordan

Cllr Leach

Cllr Nicholson


UK Shared Prosperity Fund Partnership Group (2)

Cllr Barker

Cllr Forster

Woking Wellbeing Group (4)

Cllr Barker

Cllr Jordan

Cllr Mukherjee

Cllr Nicholson