Browse meetings

Employment Committee

This page lists the meetings for Employment Committee.

Meetings prior to September 2017 can be searched here.


Information about Employment Committee

Subject to Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Committee shall meet to:

·      oversee the recruitment and selection process of the Council’s Head of Paid Service and determine terms and conditions of employment and make recommendations to Council in this respect.

·      oversee the recruitment and selection process of Strategic Directors, the Monitoring Officer, Section 151 Officer and posts falling within the definition of Deputy Chief Officer in Section 2(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and make recommendations to Council in this respect.

·      consider allegations concerning the conduct or capability of Statutory Officers and other Chief Officers in order to establish whether or not they are sufficiently well-founded and serious in content to justify investigation.

·      suspend, if appropriate, a Statutory Officer or other Chief Officer under the terms of the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) Conditions of Service for Chief Executives or the JNC Conditions of Service for Chief Officers.

·      appoint an external investigator to carry out an investigation on behalf of the Committee.

·      receive and consider any report of an investigator and, if appropriate, hold a capability or disciplinary hearing and, following any capability and/or disciplinary hearing, to determine a course of action (up to and including dismissal) within the Council’s power under law and within its procedures.

·      dismiss Chief Officers, the Monitoring Officer, Section 151 Officer and posts falling within the definition of Deputy Chief Officer in Section 2(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.

·      settle all matters relating to the above appointments or dismissals.

·      oversee the recruitment and selection process of the relevant independent person in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and make recommendations to Council in that respect.

The Committee will take decisions affecting the remuneration, terms and conditions of service of the Head of Paid Service.

The Committee will undertake performance appraisals of the Head of Paid Service and contribute to Corporate Directors annual targets against which performance can be measured.

The Committee will discharge the Council’s functions under Section 112 of the Local Government Act 1972 which have not otherwise been delegated, including advising the Council and Committees on:

·      the requirements for, and the availability of, human resources necessary for the fulfilment of the Council's policies;

·      the promotion of good employee relations in the Council;

·      matters of general employment and personnel concern to the Council;

·      the promotion of equal opportunities for all employees of the Council, and in the Council's recruitment and selection procedures, and to monitor the effectiveness of such measures;

·      to consider matters affecting the efficient use of the Council’s staff resources and to make recommendations to Executive;

·      to review and recommend adoption of the People and Organisational Development Strategy and Annual Pay Policy prior to going to Council.

The Committee will keep under review local terms and conditions of employment for employees and make recommendations regarding the annual local pay award.

The Committee will consider and recommend appropriate actions where necessary in response to proposals relating to changes within the structure of the organisation which involves substantial changes in the responsibilities of Chief Officers.

The Committee will promote and pursue a policy of equal opportunities in employment and “sign-off” key information before it is published i.e. Gender Pay Reporting.

The Committee will consider matters relating to superannuation, pensions and gratuities.