Agenda item

Recommendations of the Executive

To receive and consider recommendations from the Executive.


Councillor D J Bittleston moved and Councillor C S Kemp seconded the reception and adoption of the report and recommendations of the meeting of the Executive held on 23 November 2017.              WBC17-035

executive – 23 November 2017

thameswey business plans 2018

Councillor Azad introduced the recommendations before the Council in respect of the Thameswey Business Plans 2018.  Councillor Johnson discussed the protocols for the Thameswey Group of meetings and advised that the Thameswey website was out of date and needed to be refreshed.  It was further noted that the annual presentations on the Thameswey Group, referred to in the protocols, had not been arranged over the past year.

Councillor Johnson moved and Councillor Barker seconded an amendment to delete recommendation (vii) which proposed the extension of the Loan Facility for Thameswey Central Milton Keynes Limited for 2020 and 2021 in the aggregate sum of £5,020,000.  The recommendation would be revisited by the Council once a presentation had been held on the future plans of Thameswey.  The amendment was agreed nem con before the Council moved onto the substantive recommendations.

In considering the proposals, the Council was advised that the protocols for the Thameswey group of Companies had been reviewed by Councillor Johnson and Councillor Kingsbury.  The revised protocols would be considered by the Executive in January before being referred to Council for adoption.


That  (i)    the Business Plans for the Thameswey Group of Companies be approved;

          (ii)   Barry Maunders be appointed as an Independent Director of Thameswey Guest Houses Limited;

          (iii)  Councillor Colin Kemp, as Portfolio Holder for Housing, be appointed as a Councillor Director of Thameswey Guest Houses Limited and Thameswey Limited;

          (iv)  Thameswey Energy Limited be granted leases or licenses on appropriate commercial terms of:

a.       a Lease of 9 & 9a Poole Road, Format House and adjoining land for the construction, subject to Planning Consent, of the Poole Road Energy Station accommodation;

b.       a Licence to occupy the Poole Road car park for the purpose of the construction of the Poole Road Energy Station;

c.       a Lease of part of the Board School Road car park for the installation of its local electricity network and connection to the North Road UK Power networks sub stations;

          (v)   Thameswey Developments Limited be authorised to draw down Loans on behalf of Thameswey Energy Limited to finance the construction of the Poole Road energy station; and

          (vi)  an increased Loan Facility of £75M be allocated to Thameswey Housing Limited for the period of April 2020 to December 2021 to finance additional affordable homes, and £10M to service the debt with future years Loan facilities of £5M per annum for long term debt servicing pending reaching its full operational revenue.

woking gateway

Councillor Azad introduced the recommendations before the Council in respect of the Woking Gateway and the proposal to enter into a development agreement with Coplan Estates Limited.  Councillor Johnson expressed concern over the proposal to authorise the Executive to consider whether to exercise the option to acquire the commercial space to be provided by the development.  Councillor Johnson therefore moved and Councillor Barker seconded that recommendation (ii) before the Council should be deleted and replaced with a new recommendation as follows:

(ii)   the Executive be authorised to consider whether to exercise the option to acquire the commercial space to be provided by the development.  In the event that it does decide to exercise the option, the Executive be authorised to approve the terms for the acquisition of the commercial space to be provided by the development.

(ii)   the Executive consider whether the Council should exercise the option and the terms on which the commercial space provided by the development would be acquired and to make a recommendation to Council accordingly.

The amendment was agreed nem con and the Council was asked to agree the substantive recommendations, as amended.


That  (i)  a Development Agreement be entered into with Coplan Estates Limited; and

          (ii) the Executive consider whether the Council should exercise the option and the terms on which the commercial space provided by the development would be acquired and to make a recommendation to Council accordingly.

Leisure management contract – extension and variations

The recommendations of the Executive seeking approval for the extension of the existing Leisure Management contract were introduced by Councillor Pengelly.  It as noted that the proposal would extend the contract by the full extension period possible of four years, as well as include variations to the contract.  The excellent performance of Woking Leisure facilities was noted and the Council welcomed the proposals.


That  (i)    the existing Leisure Management Contract with Greenwich Leisure Limited be amended to include the agreed variations (Scenario B & C) together with investment in Leisure Centre Changing Room facilities and subsequently extended until 30 November 2025;

          (ii)   loans of up to £1,855,000 be taken out by the Council to cover the Flumes and associated water features at Woking Pool in the Park, the Pool in the Park Changing Room facilities, and the Leisure Centre Changing Room facilities;

          (iii)  if the Finance Director considers it beneficial for tax purposes, a loan facility of up to £1,855,000, attracting a 2% margin above the relevant PWLB rate on the date of drawdown, to be made available to Greenwich Leisure Limited/Freedom Leisure for the Flumes and associated water features at Woking Pool in the Park, the Pool in the Park Changing Room facilities, and the Leisure Centre Changing Room facilities; and

          (iv)  all necessary consents be entered into and contract variations made to the existing Leisure Management Contract to accommodate the extension and investments.

review of fees and charges 2018-19

The Council considered the proposed discretionary fees and charges for the coming financial year.


That  (i)    the discretionary fees and charges, as set out in Appendices 1 – 4 of the report, be approved;

          (ii)   delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to agree county-wide partnership pricing structure for Telecare Sensors and 6 week discharge / distraction burglary service offer;

          (iii)  delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to agree fees and charges for the Homesafe Service should it become necessary to do so; and

          (iv)  delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, for making minor amendments to fees and charges for Hoe Valley Leisure Facilities.

calendar of meetings 2018-19


That the Calendar of Meetings 2018/19 be approved as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

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