Agenda item

Local Government Association Peer Challenge EXE20-047

Reporting Person – Ray Morgan


Following the Corporate Peer Challenge undertaken by the Local Government Association (LGA) in November 2019 at the request of the Council, the Executive was requested to approve the proposed response to the LGA’s report.  An earlier review had been undertaken by the LGA in 2015 and the Council had looked to build upon that experience by requesting another review.  The Chairman welcomed the Feedback Report which provided a positive assessment of the Council, its ambition, its political leadership and its management capacity.

In response to comments raised by Non-Executive Members regarding the perceived delay in the Executive receiving the report, the Chairman explained that it would have been inappropriate to deal with the matter in March when the country was entering lockdown due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

The Executive was pleased to see the proposed re-establishment of the Citizens Panel which would provide an opportunity to gain formal views of residents.  It was noted that the intention was for the Citizens Panel to initially focus on health and well-being in partnership with the Integrated Care Partnership.

It was noted that pre-decision scrutiny had been undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on Monday, 13 July 2020.  Attention was drawn to a supplementary report which set out amended wording to recommendation (ix), regarding an Internal Audit Review into the resources required to ensure the effectiveness of the Overview and Scrutiny function, which the Chief Executive had agreed with the Committee at its meeting.  The Executive was advised that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairman had submitted a paper to the Chief Executive on Wednesday, 15 July containing the views of the Committee along with a range of recommendations and suggestions.  The Leader of the Council commented that it had been discourteous of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairman to not notify him in advance of the paper and that he had not had an opportunity to consider the paper.  The Chief Executive stated that he had provided a fair and reasonable presentation of the Peer Report and had answered every question raised at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Chief Executive added that there had been no conclusion or resolution to the debate at the Committee.

The Executive welcomed the positive Feedback Report from the LGA following the Corporate Peer Challenge and was supportive of the proposed response.


That  (i)    Officers prepare a summary strategy document based on existing approved strategies and present it to Council for approval as part of the Business Plan process for 2021/22;

          (ii)   following the approval by Council of the summary document of existing approved strategies, proposed at (i) above, to undertake a programme of communications with residents and stakeholders outlining the wider policy approach of the Council;

          (iii)  Officers undertake a series of public engagement events to explain the framework for town centre development proposals;

          (iv)  the Citizens Panel be re-established and a programme of issues upon which to consult it be established with an initial focus on the health and well-being in partnership with the Integrated Care Partnership;

          (v)   a survey of Members be undertaken to establish what further information they would find helpful to include in the Green Book and what further awareness raising and/or training is required in respect of the Council’s financial arrangements;

          (vi)  the proposal to Council in respect of a Standards Protocol to allow Members access to commercially sensitive information in respect of Thameswey Group companies, and any other Woking Borough Council subsidiaries, be supported;

          (vii) the consideration by the Director of Finance of the appropriateness of borrowing periods be highlighted when the Council is requested to approve its annual budgets and its annual accounts;

          (viii) the Council’s efficiency strategy be revitalised in two main parts, one to explore procurement savings and the other to explore operational efficiencies through automation and use of digital services;

          (ix)  an Internal Audit Review be undertaken into the resources required to ensure the effectiveness of the Overview and Scrutiny function;

          (x)   Officers review the extent to which customer feedback opportunities and Local Government Association case studies could be used in the management of the Council’s services with a view to improving outcomes and securing efficiency improvements linked to the efficiency strategy;

          (xi)  the use of Zoom, Teams e and Digital services will all be expanded and continued, post Coronavirus, and form part of the efficiency strategy, use of automation; and

          (xii) in the autumn the Council should consider its longer-term management arrangements as part of its 2021/22 business planning process.

Reason:   To determine the response to the LGA Peer Challenge.

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