The Leader of the Council, Councillor Azad, stated that the purpose of the final Executive meeting of the year was to resolve the Council’s collective support for the most vulnerable people in the Borough, adding that the pandemic had shown the importance of local community and voluntary organisations.
The Portfolio Holder for Grants to Voluntary and Community Organisations, Councillor Ashall, introduced the report which set out the grant applications received as part of the Community Support Scheme 2021/22, noting that the recommended funding totalled £909,052 of the available revenue budget, with a further £10,000 to be ringfenced. In addition, the recommendations for capital or one-off applications equated to £158,014 from the Community Fund.
All awards were stated to be provisional on the expectation that the Council’s budgets for revenue and capital projects remained at the same level allocated for the current financial year. The Council’s overall budget, including the sums allocated for community grants, were to be determined by Council at its meeting on 11 February 2021. In the event that the grant budgets were set at the anticipated levels, confirmation of the Council’s support would be sent to successful applicants.
It was added that if the grants budgets were reduced to achieve savings and offset the impact of Covid-19 on the Council’s financial position, a special meeting of the Executive would be held on 25 February 2021 to review the provisional awards and allocate the funds available on a priority basis.
Councillor Ashall stated that Woking was fortunate to have such excellent community groups and a dynamic charitable sector. The Executive noted the high level of support included grant funding, accommodation, concessionary rent, discretionary rate relief, parking spaces and the provision of advice. The total value of the Council’s support for the voluntary sector for the coming year was estimated to be £1,962,306.
The Shadow Portfolio Holder for Grants to Voluntary and Community Organisations, Councillor Forster, stated that he was pleased with the cross-party work which had taken place over the past few months which had resulted in agreement over all the proposals before the Executive except for one application, although expressed concern over the possibility of reductions in grant awards following the budget setting meeting of Full Council in February 2021. Following a question regarding the impact on local groups of confirmation of grant awards being received close to the start of the next financial year, the Chief Executive, Ray Morgan, informed the Executive that the Groups would be advised of the Council’s intent and would have contingency plans in place. It was hoped that the grant awards could be confirmed, however it would depend on the level of hardship faced by the Council.
Councillors Azad and Ashall thanked Officers for their work in the preparation of the reports before the Executive.
That (i) the report be noted;
(ii) any unused funds remaining in the budget from the 2021/22 financial year be transferred to the Community Fund;
(iii) the allocation of funding of £10,000 to the Woking Asian Business Forum to manage the Alpha Road Community Hall (ARCH) be noted;
(iv) the risks posed to the 2021/22 grant budgets and thereby the awards of funding recommended to the Executive, as set out in the report, be noted and communicated to all Groups for which funding is agreed by the Executive; and
(v) a Special Meeting of the Executive be scheduled for 7.00pm on Thursday, 25 February 2021 to review the allocation of funds in the event either the Revenue Grant budget or the Capital Grant budget is reduced as part of budgetary considerations.
Reason: To determine financial support for voluntary and community organisations through the Council’s Community Grants Scheme for the 2021/22 financial year.
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