Agenda item

2020/0681 Triangle of land between Guildford Road, Victoria Road and Station approach


[NOTE: It was agreed that item 6a. 2020/0681 Triangle of Land between Guildford Road, Victoria Road and Station Approach and Item 6b. 2020/0543 Triangle of Land between Guildford Road, Victoria Road and Station Approach would be considered together by the Committee as they were for the same site]


The Committee considered an application for the erection of site hoarding around the proposal site (PLAN 2020/0681) and an application for Advertisement Consent to display non-illuminated advertisements onsite hoarding (PLAN 2020/0681).


Councillor L Lyons, Ward Councillor, spoke on the item and wanted to clarify for members of the public that this application did not relate to how the site would be developed in the future and that it solely related to the hoardings. Councillor L Lyons was concerned about the parking bays being taken out of use and queried whether it was necessary to bring the hoardings out over to cover these. The Ward Councillor was also eager that this site did not become an eyesore and queried quite how long the hoardings would need to be in place for.


Mr Spinks confirmed that the reason the hoardings needed to come out as far as the car parking spaces was for public safety reasons; in order to demolish the buildings safely this space would be needed. The intention was that the island site, that remained after this demolition work, would be developed for housing once the new Victoria Arch was installed; it was known that the timings for this programme would be 2022/2023 so it was known that the hoarding would not be a short term installation and that they would need to remain for a number of years to keep the site safe and secure.


Following a query from Councillor L Lyons it was confirmed that it would not be possible to return the parking bays into use after the demolition had taken place. This was due to the fact that it was the intention to use the area as part of a works compound linked to the works for the improved A320 and the Victoria Arch.


Some concerns were raised regarding the blind corner near the pedestrian crossing close to the site and the potential that the hoardings could be distracting for motorists. Douglas Spinks commented that the design of the hoardings before the Committee were illustrative and that the detailed design would be drawn up in consultation with the County Transportation Authority to ensure that it was not distracting to road users.  Douglas Spinks would feedback the comments to Louisa Calam, Project Manager for the Housing Infrastructure Fund works.


Following a suggestion to only grant temporary permission for the hoardings to ensure they were not in place for longer than needed, Douglas Spinks commented that he did not think this was necessary as the Council was keen to deliver the housing on the site as quickly as possible. The Council would act responsibly and keep the hoardings in a good condition for the minimal length of time necessary.


The Committee acknowledged the need for the hoardings in order to secure the site safely during demolition and thereafter until the use of the site for construction purposes was over. 




i)      For PLAN 2020/0681 Triangle of Land between Guildford Road, Victoria Road and Station Approach Planning Permission be granted subject to conditions; and


ii)     For PLAN 2020/0543 Triangle of Land between Guildford Road, Victoria Road and Station Approach Advertisement Consent be granted.

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