Agenda item

Petition - Withdrawal of Modified Site Allocations Development Plan Document and Resubmission of a New Plan WBC20-031.


The Council had before it a report on a petition seeking the Borough Council to withdraw the modified Site Allocations Development Plan Document and submit a new Plan based on current information and proposed legislation.  The petition had been signed by 2,739 individuals and was presented at the meeting.  The Mayor welcomed Fiona Syrett, representative for the petitioners. 

The Petitioner spoke in support of the petition, emphasising the concern of residents over the loss of green belt land in the east of the Borough and the level of development proposed for the area.  It was noted that a local fundraising campaign would be undertaken to raise funds to secure legal advice on behalf of local residents.  Members were invited to ask questions of the petitioner before moving to the debate.

The report set out the background to the Development Plan Document and advised that withdrawing the Document at this stage, as requested by the petition, would lead to unacceptable delay and potential loss of control of the Council’s ability to manage development across the Borough.  It was noted that the Document was going through an Independent Examination and that the Petitioners could choose to submit the petition as part of their representation to the consultation currently underway on the main modifications to the Document, the deadline for which was 14 December 2020.

The matter was debated in full by the Members of the Council and, whilst the concerns of the residents were noted, the Council was not in a position to withdraw the Development Plan Document which had been drawn up over a number of years.  Councillor Barker considered that the Council should review the infrastructure challenges faced by the east of the Borough.  Councillor Barker moved and Councillor Davis seconded the following motion:

“Council calls for a study on the future infrastructure requirement of the east of Woking, based on both current demand and future demand if developments go ahead.”

Councillor Azad advised that such a study should be undertaken in partnership with Surrey County Council as the Highway Authority and proposed an amendment to the motion as follows:

“Council calls for a joint study with other authorities and partners on the future infrastructure requirements of the east of Woking, based on both current demand and future demand and that the terms of the study come to the next meeting of the Executive.”

Councillor Barker and Councillor Davis confirmed that they were happy to accept the amendment to the motion.  The Director of Legal and Democratic Services outlined the recommendations before the Council following the debate namely that:

i)        the petitioner be thanked for the presentation;

ii)       the Council notes the comments set out in the petition and that it was inappropriate to take the action sought by the Petitioners; and

ii)       Council calls for a joint study with other authorities and partners on the future infrastructure requirements of the east of Woking, based on both current demand and future demand and that the terms of the study come to the next meeting of the Executive.

At the request of Councillor Bond, the recommendations before the Council were put to a vote.  In accordance with Standing Order 10.8 the names of Members voting for and against the recommendations were recorded.

In favour:                           Councillors S Ashall, A Azad, A-M Barker, D Bittleston, J Bond, M Bridgeman, G Chrystie, G Cundy, K Davis, G Elson, W Forster, D Harlow, K Howard, D Hughes, S Hussain, I Johnson, R Leach, L Lyons, R Mohammed, L Morales, M I Raja, C Rana, J Sanderson and M Whitehand.

Total in favour:                  24

Against:                             Councillor M Ali, T Aziz and A Boote.

Total against:                     3

Present not voting:            The Mayor, Councillor Mrs Hunwicks.

Total present not voting:   1

The recommendations were therefore carried by 24 votes in favour to 3 votes against.


That  (i)    the petitioner be thanked for the presentation;

          (ii)   the Council notes the comments set out in the petition and that it was inappropriate to take the action sought by the Petitioners; and

          (ii)   Council calls for a joint study with other authorities and partners on the future infrastructure requirements of the east of Woking, based on both current demand and future demand and that the terms of the study come to the next meeting of the Executive.

Supporting documents: