Agenda item

Task Group Updates

To receive updates following the recent meetings of the following Task Groups:

·         Economic Development Task Group

·         Housing Task Group


Reporting person: Councillor D Hughes


Housing Task Group


Cllr Johnson, Chairman of the Housing Task Group, highlighted the activities of the group, the impacts of Covid-19, homelessness, Universal Credit and the strong link with the health and wellbeing agenda. 


The work on the ‘Next Steps Accommodation’ Bid was praised, and had recently gone to Council.  The Selective Licensing Scheme had between 2-3 years left and a review would need to be undertaken to determine the success of it and whether it met the aspirations.  Questionnaire’s had been sent to the residents using the selective licensing scheme to gauge their thoughts on maintenance and the scheme.


The Task Group had reviewed and updated the Terms of Reference which would go to the Committee before the end of the municipal year, the same had been done for the Economic Development Task Group Terms of Reference.


The difficulty of locating the owners of the empty properties was discussed, and it was noted that some lived over-seas.  The draft Housing Strategy would be reviewed to ensure all areas where covered and if there was an opportunity to add detail on this topic. 


The importance of members reporting back to their political group was stressed, and task group updates and minutes were available for all members.


Economic Development Task Group


Cllr Johnson, Chairman of the Economic Development Task Group, mentioned the concerns for the economy and increasing numbers of unemployment.  The marketing campaigns and increased cleaning regime had been used to encourage footfall in the town centre and for visitors to feel safe.  Webinars had been used to support businesses during difficult times. 


The recent Surrey Food and Awards highlighted some of the great organisations in the borough.  The five year strategy which expires in April 2022, has not changed however the last six months had been aimed at supporting businesses and helping them get back on their feet rather than selling the town centre package.


Other positives that were added, included the new Boots store, the impact that Victoria Square have on the town centre when finished and new businesses that had flourished throughout the last six months.  Cllr Johnson thanked the Business Liaison team for all hard work they had put in, especially during the pandemic.


Finance Task Group


Cllr Davis provided a verbal update on what the task group had looked into at their last meeting in November, which included the general budget, fees and charges, debt reports and scrutiny of the Green Book.


Since the November Executive, where it was agreed that the Council would approach the Ministry of Local Community and Housing Government to de-capitalisation, which would allow the Council to spread the cost losses over a longer period of time and avoid the immediate use of revenue reserves. A meeting had been organised and the outcome would be provided at a future meeting of the Committee.


The recovery of commercial rents, council tax and business rates had gradually improved however there were concerns over what impacts the latest restrictions would have.


There had been many applications to the grant schemes, which were being processed and paid out as quickly as possible.  The Government has since announced other schemes such as the LRSS Open Scheme for businesses that managed to remain open during lockdown but were still effected.  From a Government perspective the following industries should be prioritised with the funding - Leisure, Hospitality and Accommodation.  The Wet Pubs grant is also open for applications for pubs that meet the criteria, there was also an Additional Restrictions grant which would be used for targeted work up until the end of 2021.


The Chairman thanked the members and officers for the work this year and wished everyone well over the Christmas break.

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