Agenda item

Serco Update

Reporting Person: Geoff McManus


The Chairman introduced Geoff McManus, Director of Neighbourhood Services, Andy Calfe, Neighbourhood Team Leader, and Howard Booth from Serco.  Mr McManus introduced the presentation which provided a general update on the planned works that were completed annually under the environmental contracts, such as grounds maintenance and tree work.  The challenges faced throughout 2020 and effects from Covid-19 were discussed, however Serco had worked extremely hard to increase the cleaning schedule in the town centre and had continued to maintain services throughout the year.

The contract was monitored by fortnightly meetings, strong communication on responses to queries and complaints, and reviewing the KPIs reported into the Green Book.  The contract would go out for procurement in 2023, and it was felt that solid foundations had been built around a good service and Serco were praised for their flexible approach to the work required.

Members shared their positive experience with Serco, especially the good customer service, however it was noted that the Pavilion at Byfleet was in need of some maintenance work. Following the results of a customer satisfaction survey, concern was raised however it was noted that there had been challenges from Covid-19 and the results from October’s survey had improved since the results in March.

Members added that the ongoing issue with fly-tipping was continuously dealt with by Serco in a timely manner, and that Serco really does help to keep the borough looking as good as it does.  Serco also assists local community groups and litter picking duties.

The flexibility of the contract arrangement resulted in no additional charges for continued services throughout Covid-19, even though the demands had increased.  Mr McManus advised that the Council Arborists would prioritise urgent tree work outside of the 1-5 year rolling programme if required.  Mr McManus advised that if there were any concerns over any tree’s in the borough, it would be best to make the team aware so an assessment of the tree could be conducted.

The Leaf Clearing programme highlights the locations of leaf fall and predicted times of the year, however if leaves were dropping consistently for a continued period of time the clearing of the area would be prioritised.  Other reasons work may be prioritised would include leaves falling on areas of high footfall or on a gradient to avoid a slippery surface, the public also bring any areas of concerns to the Council attention.  The weekly playground inspections were carried out by qualified inspectors, who record safety information and report back any potential hazards.

Cllr Bond questioned who would take ownership of projects such as park benches, that have come from schemes like CIL, it was advised that WBC Engineering colleagues assist with the expenditure of CIL funding. Serco would provide the maintenance of the outcome of the projects.

Following questions raised by the Chairman, the Committee were advised that the capacity was adequate for the additional work currently, however additional contractors could be used for particular works and would not be necessarily included in the FTE data.

The Green Infrastructure team works on projects such as, wild flowers, in line with the climate change emergency, the work programme promotes environmentally-friendly projects however the weather can provide difficulties at times. 

Cllr Raja raised a question on food waste, which came under the AMEY contract, Cllr Davis, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services advised that there was a recent campaign on putting out your food waste, some residents use their own compost however the residents who were still putting food waste in the black bins, were the ones the campaign was aimed towards.

The Chairman and Members praised the work undertaken by Council officers and Serco throughout the borough.  Members expressed their aspirations to assist with the service, and were encouraged to communicate with officers.