Agenda item

2020/0801 Land to the north of Old Woking Road and east of Station Approach, West Byfleet


[NOTE 1: Members received a Written Update in respect of this item prior to the opening of the meeting; the Written Update was made publicly available online prior to the opening of the meeting.]


[NOTE 2: During the debate on this item, a Member referred to the location of the post office. The following interest was then declared;

In accordance with the Member Code of Conduct, Councillor S Hussain, declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item arising from him owning a post office in Knaphill. The interest was such that it would not prevent Councillor S Hussain from speaking or voting on the item.]


The Committee considered an application which proposed minor but material amendments to the approved, extant, outline planning permission PLAN/2017/0128 through the variation of conditions attached to that permission. The full list of revisions were set out under ‘Proposed Development’. Although the application was in outline (as per PLAN/2017/0128) the Parameter Plans submitted, and which were sought to be varied, provided the framework within which future detailed design could be brought forward. Along with the Design Code (also sought to be varied) the Parameter Plans form a ‘control’ document, which any future reserved matters application(s) would need to comply with. The Parameter Plans outlined how the parameters for the proposed development were to be defined. Specifically the parameters outlined established the minimum and maximum floor areas proposed for each use, the minimum and maximum dimensions of the main plots of development proposed (including heights above ground level) and the pedestrian movement routes through the site. The parameter plans were intended to strike a balance between providing flexibility to allow the development to evolve during the preparation of future reserved matters application(s), whilst providing sufficient design detail against which to appropriately determine the application and set a defined framework for determination of future reserved matters application(s).


Following a query from the Chairman regarding the demolition of the site, the Planning Officer confirmed that the applicant had prior approval for demolition and therefore could commence this as and when they saw fit. Initially it had been indicated that demolition would take place between October 2020 and June 2021.


Councillor A Boote, Ward Councillor, welcomed the proposed development of the Sheer House site, however she raised some concerns and asked the Planning Officer for clarification and reassurance on these points. Regarding concerns about the line of sight between the new public square and the church, the Planning Officer explained that the primary change in massing was restricted to Block B which meant that there was no effect to the line of sight from the new public square to the church over and above approved PLAN/2017/0128 and that the changes to the massing’s of Blocks A and C would have no material impact – over and above approved PLAN/2017/0128 - in respect of the line of sight from the new public square to the church. Councillor A Boote was keen that the materials used for the development were in keeping with the surrounding area, however the Planning Officer clarified that  the application of building materials would be considered under reserved matters, albeit were controlled by the Design Code (the primary building material of which remained unaltered from PLAN/2017/0128), and therefore would not be considered in detail at this outline stage. Regarding the Councillors concern about protecting the longevity of the retail space, the Planning Officer explained that the applicant had provided current market evidence, through a local chartered surveyor, regarding the amount of retail floor space that West Byfleet required. It was noted that what was now proposed was considered more appropriate to the current West Byfleet retail market. Planning Officers were satisfied that sufficient evidence and reason had been submitted by the applicant to support the reduction in retail space in comparison to PLAN/2017/0128. It was noted that the post office and chemist could not be required to locate onto the developed site in planning terms, as this was not a planning issue, however there was space for them to do so if they wished.


Following a query regarding CIL the Planning Officer explained that C2 class was not liable for CIL payment. The Committee also heard that the Government had recently made changes to the Use Classes Order to permit flexibility and allow town centres to respond more readily to changes in the market.


Some Members commented that this was a perfect location for this type of residential accommodation and looked forward to seeing the detail of the Reserved Matters application(s).


The Committee welcomed the additional community space that this development would provide.


Councillor L Lyons queried whether providing a residential retirement development was a way for a developer to side step the affordable housing obligation. The Planning Officer confirmed that this was certainly not a loophole and confirmed that the units could only be occupied in the way set out in the S106 agreement. This was very tightly controlled by the Council and the Planning Officer was confident to provide assurance on this. It was noted that the apartments would likely be a mixture of for sale and rental although that was a commercial decision for the applicant


Following a query the Planning Officer confirmed that there were no artistic impression images at this stage and that the detail of the elevations would be provided and considered under reserved matters application(s), albeit in accordance with the Parameter Plans and Design Code. The LPA was working with the applicant closely and with the Woking Design Review Panel to progress this.


The Planning Officer explained that any re-provision of the library within the development was largely a matter for Surrey County Council (as the library operator) although there was space available within the development to re-provide the library and Officers and the applicant were liaising with Surrey County Council in this respect


Members queried whether anything could be done to mitigate the loss of parking while the development was in construction. The Planning Officer confirmed that there would be a certain amount of disruption caused by this development, including the parking. Currently there were no specific suggestions on how or if this could be mitigated although the applicant and Officers would review potential options. The Committee were reminded that the proposal before them would cause no greater disruption to the parking situation than the previous extant approved application.




That outline planning permission be GRANTED subject to:


(i)            Planning conditions set out in the report (and as amended by the Written Update); and

(ii)           Section 106 Legal Agreement to:

·                Control the nature of the development and its occupation, including restrictions on age(i.e. 65+ years), requirement for care, necessity for health assessment and provision of personal care (including a requirement for future residents to secure the provision of at least a basic care package, including minimum hours of personal care each week)in respect of the primary resident of each C2 unit, the provision of access to communal facilities for future residents and of a staffed reception / management suite and office to provide day to day assistance for residents of the C2 units and to coordinate and organise the provision of personal care to each primary resident; including liaison with the Care Agency(registered with the Care Quality Commission), details of the operation of the management company to be established to manage the C2 units and communal facilities and that permanent residential staff accommodation must not be provided;

·                Secure the provision of public access to the new public square at all times and for the lifetime of the development (as per PLAN/2017/0128); and

·                Secure replacement public car parking spaces for public access at agreed times and for the lifetime of the development (as per PLAN/2017/0128).


Supporting documents: