Agenda item

Play Area Maintenance Update

Reporting Person: Arran Henderson


The Chairman introduced Arran Henderson, Senior Green Spaces Development Officer, and Jack Fidler, Green Spaces Support Assistant,  to present the item.  The presentation provided an update since last reported at the Committee in November 2019, the work programme for 2020/21, the challenges faced and aspirations for 2021/22.


The play areas in the borough had weekly visual inspections, quarterly operation inspections and annual independent inspections, to report anything from general wear and tear to health and safety issues. Serco would carry out general maintenance that covered fencing/equipment repairs works, graffiti removal, rubber re-surfacing, littering picking and grass cutting.  Large repair works were scheduled on a rolling programme however as the majority of parts required were sourced from Europe and there can be a lead time on some materials.


The parks were closed in March 2020 due to lockdown rules from the government, however regular inspections and maintenance services were continued by Serco, ready for when they re-opened in July 2020.  Mr Henderson shared examples of rubber and grass mat re-surfacing, painting and replacement of equipment work that was conducted in 2020.


The Committee was advised that the Play Area Refurbishment Programme had refurbished 24 play areas since 2003.  Mr Fidler then provided a detailed explanation on the project at the Loop Road play area, which had a £130,000 budget to allow for adequate refurbs and wheelchair accessible equipment, following the results of a petition.  The inclusive design included a multi-play unit with a bespoke design for a variety of ages and abilities, an inclusive roundabout, basket swing, sensory play and rubber surfacing throughout.


Future works included resurfacing repairs across a number of sites, however Horsell Moor, Oakfield and Sutton Green play area works had been put on hold due to Covid-19 and then the financial outlook would be re-assessed.  The remaining areas may be incorporate into a new programme following a review of the Play Strategy.


Members praised the work of the team, especially the work for the Loop Road play area which would also take into consideration views and feedback from those with disabilities, users and the residents who started the petition to ensure all aspects of inclusive play were covered.  The Chairman advised the team on some other leisure users and the Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum that could provide some insight.


Mr Henderson advised that if members had individual refurbishment concerns for any areas, to contact him outside of the meeting with the location and details, to allow him to follow up.  Anti-social behaviour was also discussed, and it was advised that members of the public should always report any incidents of anti-social behaviour to the Police, who can allocate resources to monitor the situation.


After discussing the Play Strategy, members felt that the timeframe of refurbishments was too long – 25 years.  It was considered that Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding could be put towards some projects if supported by local residents to preserve some of the budget for other maintenance and refurbishment works.  The Chairman suggested the strategy could also review the amount of shade provided in play areas for the children playing and also parents watching.


Mr Henderson advised that the multi-use game areas had remained closed, which was in line with government guidance and were not open to the public, even family bubbles unfortunately.


The Chairman thanked officers for the presentation and answers to questions.