Agenda item

Draft Investment Programme 2021-22 to 2025-26 EXE21-079

Reporting Person – Leigh Clarke


The Executive received a report which set out the draft Investment Programme 2021-22 to 2025-26.  Councillor Ashall explained that there remained a great deal of uncertainty as the Council emerged from the pandemic, and that there remained a list of projects which continued to be suspended.  It was highlighted that the only additional budget the Executive was being asked to approve was for the Celebrate Woking programme in 2022/23.  The Executive welcomed the inclusion of Celebrate Woking in the Investment Programme, which would signal that Woking was open for business and bring more people into the Borough.  It was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 22 November 2021, would receive a presentation on the Celebrate Woking programme.

It was suggested that a priority list could be considered for the suspended projects, as well as considering the suspended projects as part of the Fit for the Future programme process in order to ensure that the projects were still required.


That  (i)    the draft Investment Programme for 2021/22 to 2025/26 be received;

          (ii)   a budget of £100,000 be approved for the Celebrate Woking programme in 2022/23; and

          (iii)  Managers, Corporate Leadership Team and Portfolio Holders be asked to review the Programme, including temporarily suspended projects, considering project costs and timing.

Reason:   To agree the draft Investment Programme for consultation before submission for final approval to the Council in February 2022.

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