Agenda item

Woking Strategic Partnerships EXE22-059

Reporting Person – Giorgio Framalicco


The Executive received a report which set out a new framework for working with partners in order to support the Council’s strategic priorities.  Councillor Barker set out the proposed new arrangements following the County Council’s decision to end the Woking Joint Committee arrangements.

The Council’s strong relationship with health partners through the North West Surrey Alliance was noted.  It was proposed that, alongside the North West Surrey Alliance, a new Woking Strategic Partnership Board would be established to provide collective leadership and strategic direction to improve outcomes for residents, focusing on issues where joint working was essential.  The Executive heard that the Partnership Board would include infrastructure delivery, climate change, improving health outcomes and keeping residents safe.  It was noted that the Partnership Board would need to meet both in public and private.  In addition, a new Woking Place Board was proposed to drive forward inclusive economic growth and be business led.

Discussion ensued on membership of the proposed Boards and public engagement.  The Executive was advised that plans were still being worked up however likely membership of the Partnership Board would include the Leader, Deputy Leader, a member from each political group which would ideally be Group Leaders, Senior Officer representation, Surrey Police representation and a member of the health Alliance team.  It was noted that meetings with wider partners would need to be held privately.  It was suggested that the Woking Strategic Partnership Board membership include Woking schools representation.  Cllr Barker noted that the potential for Surrey County Councillors to sit on Woking’s Greener Woking Working Group was being explored.  It was hoped that the Partnership Board would have its first meeting in February 2023 and that the Place Board would be active in Summer 2023.

Councillor Barker provided an update on the County Deal, commenting that the Council welcomed a joint submission between the County and district and boroughs.  The Executive was informed that Surrey district and borough leaders and chief executives had met on 22 October 2022 to understand the County’s position.  Councillor Barker confirmed that the district and boroughs leaders response had been sent to the Leader of Surrey County Council for incorporation into the proposals to be taken forward for negotiation with Government.  Discussions were ongoing and further information would be reported to the Executive when available.

The arrangements for CIL applications were confirmed noting that a cross party group met on the first Monday of each month, as required, to consider applications below £10k.  It was highlighted that any requests for funds of £10k or more would be considered by the Executive.


That  (i)    a Woking Strategic Partnership Board be established with key partners;

          (ii)   the Council works with key businesses and major employers to create a “Woking Place Board” and a business lead place brand for Woking; and


That  (iii)  the positive work underway to pursue a County Deal for Surrey be noted;

          (iv)  the current Woking Joint Committee arrangements for small scale neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the Health and Wellbeing Task Group and the Community Safety Task Group will continue to the end of March 2023, and that CIL Neighbourhood funds to a value over £10k will be approved by the Executive; and

          (v)   from the start of the Municipal Year 2023/24, a new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Committee be created with delegation to determine of the allocation and spend of small scale CIL Neighbourhood funds to the value up to £10k.

Reason:   To ensure strong partnership arrangements are in place that support the delivery of the Woking for All Strategy, and to ensure that effective arrangements are in place for the remaining actions of the former Woking Joint Committee.

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