Agenda item

Capital Programme 2023-24 to 2027-28 OSC24-003

Reporting Person – Eugene Walker


It was noted that the item had been renamed to the Capital Programme from the Investment Programme in reflection that the programme was fundamentally different from previous years.

The Programme included provision for the Victoria Square and ThamesWey investments to allow for best value to the public purse.

Approximately £16.8 million was sought for housing in the 2023/24 Programme.

The Acting Director of Place confirmed that there was provision for play area maintenance in the budget.  The moneys from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for play areas was to be used to perform remedial works.  Beverley Kuchar would confirm outside of the meeting whether Sutton Green was one of the play areas that would receive remedial works.


that the report be noted.

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