This motion proposes that Woking Borough Council notes that:
The Climate and Ecology Bill was last introduced in the House of Commons 10 May 2023. The Bill is backed by 130 cross-party MPs and Peers, 237 local authorities.
The CE Bill requires the Government to:
1. Deliver an environmental plan for the climate and nature;
2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1.5°C to ensure emissions are reduced in line with the best chance of meeting the UK’s Paris Agreement obligations;
3. Halt and reverse the decline in nature and set it measurably on the path to recovery by 2030;
4. Take responsibility for our overseas carbon and industrial footprint
5. Prioritise nature in decision-making and end fossil fuel production and imports as rapidly as possible;
6. Provide re-training for those people currently working in fossil fuel industries; and
7. Give the British people a say in finding a fair way forward via a temporary, independent and representative Climate & Nature Assembly, as part of creating consensus.
And that Woking Council therefore resolves to:
1. Support the Climate and Ecology Bill;
2. Inform residents and inform local media of this decision.
3. Write to our MP to inform him that this motion has been passed, and urge him to sign up to support the CE Bill;
4. Write to Zero Hour, expressing WBC’s support.
The motion submitted by Councillor Graves, subject to amendments raised at the meeting, was approved as follows:
“This motion proposes that Woking Borough Council notes that:
The Climate and Nature Bill was introduced in the House of Commons on 21 March 2024.
The Bill is backed by cross-party MPs and Peers and local authorities.
The Climate and Nature Bill requires the Government to:
1. Deliver an environmental plan for the climate and nature;
2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1.5°C to ensure emissions are reduced in line with the best chance of meeting the UK’s Paris Agreement obligations;
3. Halt and reverse the decline in nature and set it measurably on the path to recovery by 2030;
4. Take responsibility for our overseas carbon and industrial footprint
5. Prioritise nature in decision-making and end fossil fuel production and imports as rapidly as possible;
6. Provide re-training for those people currently working in fossil fuel industries; and
7. Give the British people a say in finding a fair way forward via a temporary, independent and representative Climate & Nature Assembly, as part of creating consensus.
And that Woking Council therefore resolves to:
1. Support the Climate and Nature Bill;
2. Inform residents and inform local media of this decision.
3. Write to our MP to inform him that this motion has been passed, and urge him to sign up to support the Climate and Nature Bill;
4. Write to Zero Hour, expressing WBC’s support.”
The following motion had been submitted by Councillor Graves.
“This motion proposes that Woking Borough Council notes that:
The Climate and Ecology Bill was last introduced in the House of Commons 10 May 2023.
The Bill is backed by 130 cross-party MPs and Peers, 237 local authorities.
The CE Bill requires the Government to:
1. Deliver an environmental plan for the climate and nature;
2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1.5°C to ensure emissions are reduced in line with the best chance of meeting the UK’s Paris Agreement obligations;
3. Halt and reverse the decline in nature and set it measurably on the path to recovery by 2030;
4. Take responsibility for our overseas carbon and industrial footprint
5. Prioritise nature in decision-making and end fossil fuel production and imports as rapidly as possible;
6. Provide re-training for those people currently working in fossil fuel industries; and
7. Give the British people a say in finding a fair way forward via a temporary, independent and representative Climate & Nature Assembly, as part of creating consensus.
And that Woking Council therefore resolves to:
1. Support the Climate and Ecology Bill;
2. Inform residents and inform local media of this decision.
3. Write to our MP to inform him that this motion has been passed, and urge him to sign up to support the CE Bill;
4. Write to Zero Hour, expressing WBC’s support.”
Councillor Graves moved and Councillor Nicholson seconded the motion, before Councillor Graves introduced the motion. However, it was reported that the Bill had lapsed and had been replaced by a similar Bill, entitled the Climate and Nature Bill, in the previous week. In view of this, Councillor Nicholson moved and Councillor Cosnahan seconded, an amendment to change references to the Bill in the motion to revised title of the Climate and Nature Bill.
The amendment was discussed and some concern was expressed over the potential support for a Bill which the Councillors had not had the opportunity to study. However, it was felt that the intention was positive even if it included reference to the earlier Bill and that the Bill had cross party support by MPs.
The Mayor directed the Members to the amendment and advised that a named vote would be taken in accordance with Standing Order 10.8. The names of Members voting for and against the recommendations were recorded as follows:
In favour: Councillors T Aziz, A-M Barker, G Cosnahan, W Forster, P Graves, S Greentree, S Hussain, I Johnson, A Kirby, R Leach, L Lyons, C Martin, L Morales, S Mukherjee, E Nicholson, S Oades, L Rice, D Roberts, and M Sullivan.
Total in favour: 19
Against: None.
Present not voting: The Mayor and Councillors J Brown, K Davis and S Dorsett.
Total present not voting: 4
The amendment was therefore carried by 19 votes in favour and no votes against.
The Council now had before it the amended motion for consideration. Councillor Graves, as the Member who had submitted the motion, was provided the opportunity to respond to any points raised before a further vote was held to determine the amended motion.
The names of Members voting for and against the amended motion were recorded as follows:
In favour: Councillors T Aziz, A-M Barker, G Cosnahan, W Forster, P Graves, S Greentree, S Hussain, I Johnson, A Kirby, R Leach, L Lyons, C Martin, L Morales, S Mukherjee, E Nicholson, S Oades, L Rice, D Roberts, and M Sullivan.
Total in favour: 19
Against: None.
Present not voting: The Mayor and Councillors J Brown, K Davis and S Dorsett.
Total present not voting: 4
The amended motion was therefore approved by 19 votes in favour and no votes against.
That the motion, as amended below, be approved.
“This motion proposes that Woking Borough Council notes that:
The Climate and Nature Bill was introduced in the House of Commons on 21 March 2024.
The Bill is backed by cross-party MPs and Peers and local authorities.
The Climate and Nature Bill requires the Government to:
1. Deliver an environmental plan for the climate and nature;
2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1.5°C to ensure emissions are reduced in line with the best chance of meeting the UK’s Paris Agreement obligations;
3. Halt and reverse the decline in nature and set it measurably on the path to recovery by 2030;
4. Take responsibility for our overseas carbon and industrial footprint
5. Prioritise nature in decision-making and end fossil fuel production and imports as rapidly as possible;
6. Provide re-training for those people currently working in fossil fuel industries; and
7. Give the British people a say in finding a fair way forward via a temporary, independent and representative Climate & Nature Assembly, as part of creating consensus.
And that Woking Council therefore resolves to:
1. Support the Climate and Nature Bill;
2. Inform residents and inform local media of this decision.
3. Write to our MP to inform him that this motion has been passed, and urge him to sign up to support the Climate and Nature Bill;
4. Write to Zero Hour, expressing WBC’s support.”