Reporting Person – Beverley Kuchar
The Executive REcommended to Council
That (i) the representations to the Climate Change Strategy consultation made between May – June 2023, attached at Appendix 2a – 2b to the report, be noted;
(ii) the revised Climate Change Strategy, attached at Appendix 1 to the report, be adopted and set a basis to how the Council will continue to factor in the impact of climate change within decision-making;
(iii) upon adoption, the Council will embed the objectives of the Climate Change Strategy across all departments and service reviews;
(iv) a review date be added to the Climate Change Strategy, to be set 5 years from the start of the Government intervention at Woking Borough Council; and
(v) Officers be requested to amend the committee report template to include ‘environment and climate change’ as an implication.
Reason: To note the necessary revisions made to the Climate Change Strategy since public consultation and the issuing of the S114 notice which has changed how the Council operates.
The Executive received a report which recommended to Council the adoption of the revised Climate Change Strategy which aimed to reduce both the Borough’s and the Council’s carbon footprint, enhance resilience to climate change impacts, and promote sustainable development. The Portfolio Holder, Councillor Forster, highlighted that the revised Strategy focussed on effective partnership working, for example working with Surrey County Council Highways to reduce transport emissions. In addition, the Strategy focussed on areas which the Council could directly control, such as energy use of Council-owned properties.
The Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee had considered the report at its meeting on 5 September 2024 under its remit for pre-decision scrutiny. A copy of the recommendations of the Committee were before the Executive. The first recommendation concerned the addition of a review date to be set 5 years from the start of the Government intervention. Although it was intended for the Strategy to be reviewed, the Executive was supportive of setting a specific date. The second recommendation concerned the addition of ‘environment and climate change’ to the implications section of committee reports. The Executive welcomed the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee and agreed to recommend both to Council.
It was highlighted that in the Revised Climate Change Strategy at Appendix 1 to the report, under 6 - Theme: Waste, the word ‘Objections’ should be replaced with ‘Objectives’.
The Executive discussed fly tipping, noting its impact on pride of place and on the environment. The Portfolio Holder highlighted that home composting was more efficient and the Council was looking to work with the County Council to encourage home composting for garden and food waste. Attention was drawn to recent fly tipping prosecutions, and residents and businesses were reminded to check that those paid to remove waste were an accredited waste disposal company.
The Executive welcomed the important work of Woking Environment Action (WEAct) in the Borough, drawing attention to The Repair Café initiative which was run by volunteers in Woking and had repaired over 800 items.
The Executive was supportive of the revised Strategy, adoption of which would acknowledge the Council’s commitment to climate change and how it planned to address climate change through the delivery of the Council’s statutory services.
REcommended to Council
That (i) the representations to the Climate Change Strategy consultation made between May – June 2023, attached at Appendix 2a – 2b to the report, be noted;
(ii) the revised Climate Change Strategy, attached at Appendix 1 to the report, be adopted and set a basis to how the Council will continue to factor in the impact of climate change within decision-making;
(iii) upon adoption, the Council will embed the objectives of the Climate Change Strategy across all departments and service reviews;
(iv) a review date be added to the Climate Change Strategy, to be set 5 years from the start of the Government intervention at Woking Borough Council; and
(v) Officers be requested to amend the committee report template to include ‘environment and climate change’ as an implication.
Reason: To note the necessary revisions made to the Climate Change Strategy since public consultation and the issuing of the S114 notice which has changed how the Council operates.
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