Agenda item

2018/0114 McLaren Technology Centre, Chertsey Road


[NOTE: The Planning Officer advised the Committee of updates to Conditions 2 and 10 as noted below:


Condition 2

Phase 2 of the development hereby permitted shall not be implemented in addition to or in association with the development permitted under planning permissions PLAN/2011/0823 or PLAN/2013/1299 granted on 29 July 2013 and 20 May 2014.


Reason: In order to ensure the satisfactory level of development on the site within the Green Belt and to safeguard the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policy CS6 and Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012.


Condition 10

The development of Phase 2 hereby permitted shall not commence until details of foul drainage and sewerage for that phase have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be occupied until the works have been completed in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure provision of the infrastructure required to make the development acceptable in accordance with Policy CS16 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012.]


This was an application made under Section 73 of the 1990 Planning Act to vary Condition 4 (approved plans) of Planning Permission PLAN/2014/1297 for the development of an “applied technology centre” as an extension to the McLaren Production Centre.


The intention of the application was to revise the previously-approved parking configuration and to enable the phasing of the implementation of the permission.


Some Members were concerned that the changing shift patterns would exacerbate the parking issues on site and queried whether the applicant had provided any information which would relieve congestion at the roundabout. The Planning Officer explained that the application did not request an increase on the 860 car parking spaces that were allowed in the original permission and that the applicant was now seeking to amend the configuration of the parking and carry out the development in two phases; a change that it was considered would be beneficial to the shift change pattern congestion. It was noted that the applicant had produced an outline travel plan which it was anticipated would alleviate some congestion and it was hoped the phased approach would also help.


The Committee were reassured that a travel plan would be in place. The Planning Officer commented that under the planning obligations noted on page 26 of the report, the detail of the travel plan would need to be approved by the Local Planning Authority and the implementation of it carried out on completion of phase 1 works.


The Chairman proposed that an additional informative be added which read ‘The applicant is reminded of provision of S106 Legal Agreement for the MATC East permission that the company should actively engage in negotiations with the Council and seek to provide a McLaren themed presence in Woking town centre, either as part of the Town Centre regeneration or at another location agreed by the Council. In the event that MATC East permission is not implemented the applicant is nevertheless strongly encouraged to liaise with the Council with a view to establishing such a presence.’


The Committee supported the addition of this informative.




That the application be referred to the Secretary of State with the recommendation that the Local Planning Authority be minded to:


Grant Planning Permission under S.73 subject to revised conditions, additional informative as noted in these minutes and a deed of variation tying the revised S.106 Legal undertaking associated with the original permission to the new permission.


Supporting documents: