Agenda item

2018/0360 Broadoaks, Parvis Road, West Bylfeet


The Committee considered an application for listed building consent for the partial demolition, restoration and conversion of Broadoaks House to create two dwellings.  The application further related to the partial demolition, restoration and extension of the Coach House to create six dwellings, the restoration and reuse of the two Lodge Houses as independent dwellings, the restoration of the Model Dairy and the restoration of two summer houses.


This application was considered in conjunction with Item 5c and was supported on the same grounds.


That  (i)    the application be supported and referred to the Secretary of State for determination on the grounds set out below:

o    That the Local Planning authority considered that very special circumstances existed as set out in paragraphs 23 to 31 of the report outweigh the development plan presumption to otherwise refuse such a development within the Green Belt; and

o    That the proposals otherwise complied with the provisions of the development plan so far as material to the application and any other material considerations including the derelict nature of the site the provision of employment generating uses and the provision of assisted living dwellings and care homes

          (ii)   authority should be delegated to the Development Manager to draw up the list conditions, informatives and Section 106 Heads of Terms.


5d.      2017/1063  Ten Acre Farm, Smarts Heath Road, Woking


[NOTE 1: The Planning Officer advised the Committee that one additional representation had been received though had not raised any new issues.]

[Note 2:  The Planning Officer advised the Committee that Thameswater had confirmed that they had no objections to the application though had requested that an informative be added in respect of the sewerage infrastructure.]

The Committee considered a full application for the redevelopment of the former travellers’ site at Ten Acres Farm which was to provide a new club building for Woking Gymnastics Club with new public access open space, cafe, car parking, vehicular access.  The application included natural landscaping which incorporated flood alleviation measures adding to flood resilience in the Hoe Valley.

The Officer advised that the Members of the Committee had to be satisfied that special circumstances existed in respect of the application as the proposed development was deemed inappropriate in the Green Belt in view of the harm that would result in terms of the loss of openness.  The proposed development would result in significant planning benefits which would contribute to the provision of sustainable development.  Local Planning Authorities were also required to positively plan to provide opportunities for outdoor sport and recreation in the Green Belt (NPPF paragraph 81), provide access to the Green Belt and improve damaged or derelict land.

The proposal would also contribute to these requirements and the special circumstances included the fact that no other suitable site had been found, the benefits to flood resilience and the need to meet the growing demands for gymnastics facilities.  The report detailed the special circumstances that existed and concluded that the very special circumstances in this case outweighed the harm to the Green Belt and any other harm, to justify planning permission being granted.  It was considered that the use of the building, excluding the café, should be restricted to Woking Gymnastics Club as the overall need for the facility derived directly from the unique needs of the Club rather than any other leisure use or club. 

Other than the conflict with Policies CS6, CS20 and CS24 of the Woking Core Strategy, which were addressed by the very special circumstances, the proposed development was considered to comply with the other relevant Core Strategy policies, the relevant policies in the DM Policies DPD, the relevant supplementary planning documents and the policies in the NPPF and the NPPG. 

Councillor Ashall, Ward Councillor, spoke positively on the application, welcoming the report and its recommendations, and supporting the very special circumstances outlined within the document.  The Committee was supportive of the application and commented on the positive impact of the new development. 

In accordance with Standing Order 22.2, the Chairman deemed that a vote should be taken on the motion above.  The names of those voting for and against approval of the application were recorded as follows.

In favour:                      Councillors S Ashall, T Aziz, A Boote, G Chrystie, I Eastwood,        N Martin, L Morales and M Whitehand

                                      Total in favour: 8

Against:                         None

Present not voting:        Councillor G Cundy (Chairman)

                                      Total present not voting: 1

The application was therefore approved.


That  (i)    subject to the referral of the application to the Secretary of State under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009 and failing any direction from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government

          (ii)   subject to the prior resolution of the Council’s Executive to give effect to the following measures:

(a)     (Participation in Great Crested Newt District Licence scheme including a financial contribution of £7,200.

          (iii)  the Development Manager be authorised to grant planning permission subject to conditions (and any minor amendments or additions to those conditions)


Supporting documents: