Agenda item

Surrey County Council Service Consultations EXE18-130


(NOTE:  In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor S Hussain declared an interest in this item following reference to Knaphill Library during the debate.  The interest arose as a result of his family’s ownership of the building in which the Library was located.  The interest was such that Councillor Hussain left the Chamber during the debate on the draft response to the consultation on library services.)

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bittleston, introduced the recommendations of the Executive in respect of the Council’s draft responses to the five public consultations being undertaken by Surrey County Council.  The five areas subject to consultation were community recycling centres, libraries and cultural services. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), concessionary bus travel and children’s centres.

Councillor Morales moved and Councillor Lyons seconded the following amendments:

(i)      The following be added under draft response section 2.3:  “And regrets that the proposals fail to recognise the increasing need for family support in the area around Kingsmoor Park, Westfield due to many families relocating from Sheerwater and so urge SCC to ensure there is local family provision close to this area which has significant numbers of workless and low income families.” and

(ii)      The following be added as section 2.6:  “The Council regrets the introduction of a fixed charge for universal services such as Play and learn as this charge is likely to have the most negative impact on those families in greatest need of the service.

Both Councillor Morales and Councillor Lyons spoke in support of the amendments before the proposals were put to a vote.  In accordance with Standing Order 10.8, the names of Members voting for and against the amendment were recorded.

In favour:                      Councillors M Ali, A-M Barker, J Bond, A Boote, M Bridgeman, I Eastwood, K Howard, D Hughes, L Lyons, L Morales and M I Raja.

                                      Total in favour – 11

Against:                         Councillors H Addison, S Ashall, A Azad, D Bittleston, A Bowes, G Chrystie, K Davis, D Harlow, Mrs B Hunwicks, S Hussain, C Kemp, N Martin, R Mohammed and C Rana.

                                      Total against – 14

Present not voting:        None.

                                      Total present not voting – 0

The amendment was therefore lost by 11 votes in favour to 14 votes against.

Councillor Bond referred the Council to the draft comments in respect of the consultation on the library services.  Concerned that the wording in the draft report implied that all but the Library in Woking Town Centre would close, Councillor Bond moved and Councillor Boote seconded an amendment to remove reference to library closures from the response as follows:

The wording set out in paragraph 5.2 of the Executive report be amended with the deletion of the following wording: “and recognises that this approach will inevitably lead to fewer larger directly operated centres with centres either closing or providing access channels through other partner locations”.

In accordance with Standing Order 10.8, the names of Members voting for and against the amendment were recorded.

In favour:                      Councillors M Ali, A-M Barker, J Bond, A Boote, M Bridgeman, K Howard, D Hughes, L Lyons, L Morales and M I Raja.

                                      Total in favour – 10

Against:                         Councillors H Addison, S Ashall, A Azad, D Bittleston, A Bowes, G Chrystie, K Davis, D Harlow, Mrs B Hunwicks, C Kemp, N Martin, R Mohammed and C Rana.

                                      Total against – 13

Present not voting:        Councillor I Eastwood.

                                      Total present not voting – 1

The amendment was therefore lost by 10 votes in favour to 13 votes against.

Councillor Bittleston summarised the main points of discussion and responded to questions raised during the debate before the recommendation, as set out in the report, was put to a vote.  In accordance with Standing Order 10.8, the names of Members voting for and against the recommendation were recorded.

In favour:                      Councillors H Addison, S Ashall, A Azad, D Bittleston, A Bowes, G Chrystie, K Davis, D Harlow, Mrs B Hunwicks, S Hussain, C Kemp, N Martin, R Mohammed and C Rana.

                                      Total in favour – 14

Against:                         Councillors J Bond, A Boote, M Bridgeman and L Lyons.

                                      Total against – 4

Present not voting:        Councillors M Ali, A-M Barker, I Eastwood, K Howard, D Hughes, L Morales and M I Raja

                                      Total present not voting – 7

The recommendation was therefore carried by 14 votes in favour to 4 votes against.


That Draft Consultation Responses be approved for submission to Surrey County Council.