Agenda item

Sheerwater Regeneration EXE19-030

Reporting Person – Peter Bryant


The Executive received a report which sought authority to resolve a technical matter in connection with planning applications PLAN/2018/0374 and PLAN/2018/0337 due to be considered by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 9 April 2019.  It was explained that, as the Council was the landowner in the application, it could not enter into a Section 106 Agreement with itself as the local planning authority.  Attention was drawn to a supplementary report in respect of the item.  The supplementary report, tabled at the meeting, set out minor changes made to the undertakings detailed in Appendix 5 to the report since the original Executive report was circulated.

Following a question concerning affordable homes, the Leader advised that the affordable homes which the Council was developing in Sheerwater were intended to be towards the home for life standard which provided a better volume and space standard.  For example, such as those built at Kingsmoor Park.  It was noted that the Council would require to maintain control over what was delivered in Sheerwater.

The Executive agreed that the Council should give effect to the obligations set out in the document attached to the supplementary report if the Planning Committee was minded to grant planning permission for the development of land partially owned by the Council at Sheerwater, Woking.


That  (i)    the Council shall give effect to the obligations in respect of planning applications PLAN/2018/0374 and PLAN/2018/0337 set out in Appendix 5 (amended 28 March 2019) to the supplementary report, if (a) the local planning authority grants the planning permissions sought and (b) those planning permissions are implemented by, or on behalf of, the Council;

          (ii)   the Council shall procure that any third-party to whom it grants an interest in the Council-owned land is bound by the obligations in respect of planning applications PLAN/2018/0374 and PLAN/2018/0337 set out in Appendix 5 (amended 28 March 2019) to the supplementary report; and

          (iii)  resolves (i) and (ii) above are “urgent” and will take immediate effect (so are not subject to “call-in”). This is because any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would be seriously prejudicial to the Council’s interests (as it is necessary that the local planning authority is aware, when it considers planning applications PLAN/2018/0374 and PLAN/2018/0337 on 9 April 2019, whether the Council (as landowner) is prepared to give the obligations referred to).

Reason:   To enable the local planning authority to be certain that its requirements will be met if it is minded to grant the planning permission sought.

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