Agenda item

2019/0206 - 117 Princess Road, Maybury, Woking


The Committee considered an application for the erection of 2 two storey dwellings comprising of two bedrooms following the demolition of part of No. 117 Princess Road. The erection of a part two storey, part single storey rear extension and a single storey front extension to No.117 including associated landscaping and parking.


It had been noted that the application before the Committee was a site which had been previously refused by Delegated Authority.


Following a query by the Chairman the Officer confirmed the changes to the proposal before the Committee included the removal of the front gable whilst the footprint remained unchanged.


The previously refused proposal was refused by reason of the proposed plot sub-division which resulted in unduly narrow plot widths, massing and design of the proposed development  and proximity to boundaries which would prevail character and would be considered overly cramped and contrived. 


Councillor Aziz, Ward Councillor spoke in favour of the application and argued against the recommendations suggested for refusal of the proposal. He added that the previous refusal had been concluded by Delegated Authority on the grounds of bulk, massing and design. 


Councillor Aziz confirmed that during a visit he assessed the proposed site and found  sufficient space for the erection of the development.  He argued that the proposal before the Committee complied with policies within the  NPPF.


Councillor Aziz proposed and Councillor Morales seconded the motion to approve the application on the grounds of  parking and design.


Thomas James, Development Manager reminded the Committee that the previous application had been refused by the Council on grounds of bulk, massing and design.  The clear advice from Thomas James was that the application before the Committee was acceptable.


Councillor Aziz continued to express his views on the Local Planning Authority recommendations to refusal the application.


Douglas Spinks, Deputy Chief Executive, reminded Committee Members on the decision for refusal of the previous application.  Members were requested to be aware of the Local Planning Authority decision on the previous refusal including the recommendation to refuse the application before the Committee.  The proposal  was  a greater sized development to the previously refused scheme.


The Committee were cautioned on the potential of placing the credibility and risk to the Local Planning Authority by seeking to overturn decisions with no justification.


After seeking clarification, Councillor Morales withdrew her seconding of the motion to approve the application.


Some Members spoke in support of the application and thought the proposed development was of an acceptable standard and complied with the Council’s Outlook, Amenity and Privacy SPD.


Councillor Aziz proposed and Councillor Boote seconded a motion to approve the application.


Some Members were sympathetic towards the applicant, but thought the proposal did not comply with Council’ s Policies.


In accordance with Standing Order 22.2 the votes for and against approval were recorded as follows:


In favour:                                 Cllrs Aziz, Boote, Hussain and Morales


                                                TOTAL: 4


Against;                                   Cllrs Ashall and Elson


                                                TOTAL:  2


Present but not voting:            Cllr Chrystie (Chairman)


                                                TOTAL:  1


The application was therefore approved.




That the application be approved with a Section 106 Legal Agreement and appropriate conditions to be imposed by the Development Manager.



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