Agenda item

Site Allocations Development Plan Document. WBC19-021


(NOTE: In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor I Johnson declared an interest in the following item – Site Allocations Development Plan Document – in respect of references to Woking Football Club, arising from his wife’s position as Chairman of Woking Football Club.  The interest was such that Councillor Johnson left the Chamber during the determination of the item.)

Councillor Chrystie, Chairman of the Local Development Framework Working Group, presented the report and recommendations in respect to the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.  It was noted that the draft Document had been approved for consultation by the Council in October 2018.  The consultation had ended in December 2018 and based on the analysis of representations received, a schedule of modifications had been drawn up.  Subject to the proposed modifications being approved, Officers were satisfied that the Document was defensible, justified by evidence and could withstand scrutiny at the Examination by the Secretary of State.

The proposals were debated and concerns were expressed over the impact on the Green Belt in Byfleet and the need to provide adequate transit sites in the Borough for gypsies and travellers.  Councillor Chrystie responded to the points made and directed the Council to the recommendations before it.  In doing so, Councillor Chrystie drew the attention of Councillors to the extensive work of Officers in preparing the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.

In accordance with Standing Order 10.8, the names of Members voting for and against the recommendations (i), (iv), (v) and (vi) were recorded as follows.

In favour:                                Councillors S Ashall, A Azad, T Aziz, A-M Barker, D Bittleston, G Chrystie, G Cundy, K Davis, G Elson, D Harlow, D Hughes, S Hussain, C Kemp, R Leach, L Lyons, N Martin, R Mohammed, L Morales, M Raja, C Rana, J Sanderson and M Whitehand.

Total in favour:                       22

Against:                                  Councillors J Bond, A Boote, M Bridgeman and W Forster.

Total against:                         4

Present not voting:                 Councillors M Ali and K Howard.

Total present not voting:        2

Recommendations (i), (iv), (v) and (vi) were therefore carried by 22 votes in favour to 4 votes against.


That (i)    the various responses to the Regulation 19 consultation on the Site Allocations DPD and its supporting Sustainability Appraisal report, Habitats Regulations Assessment and the Proposals Map together with Officers’ response and recommendations be noted (copy in Members’ Lounge);

          (iv) authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, to approve any minor changes to the Site Allocations DPD and the other Submission Documents to reflect new information, including national guidance before they are sent to the Secretary of State. This will also include overseeing the presentation of the documents;

          (v)   authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning to agree changes that might be proposed by the Inspector during the Examination process; and

          (vi) authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive to ensure the preparation and participation of the Council at the Independent Examination of the Site Allocations DPD.

In accordance with Standing Order 10.8, the names of Members voting for and against the recommendations (ii) and (iii) were recorded as follows.

In favour:                                Councillors S Ashall, A Azad, T Aziz, A-M Barker, D Bittleston, G Chrystie, G Cundy, K Davis, G Elson, D Harlow, D Hughes, S Hussain, C Kemp, R Leach, N Martin, R Mohammed, L Morales, M Raja, C Rana, J Sanderson and M Whitehand.

Total in favour:                       21

Against:                                  Councillors J Bond, A Boote, M Bridgeman, W Forster and L Lyons

Total against:                         5

Present not voting:                 Councillors M Ali and K Howard.

Total present not voting:        2

Recommendations (ii) and (iii) were therefore carried by 21 votes in favour to 5 votes against.


That (ii)   the list of Submission Documents in paragraph 1.6 be approved to be sent to the Secretary of State for Examination; and

          (iii) the proposed schedule of modifications in Appendix 1 be approved to be sent to the Secretary of State for consideration.

Supporting documents: