Committee details


Purpose of committee

In May of each year, the Leader of the Council appoints Councillors to the Executive.  The Council's Executive is currently made up of six Borough Councillors. 


The Executive is accountable for decision-making within the Council's overall policies and budget framework and recommends to the Council on new policies and decisions outside its remit, ensuring the consistent application of corporate standards.


The Executive meets at such times as determined by the Leader. The meetings are held at 7.00 pm on a Thursday and in the Council Chamber of the Civic Offices. All meetings are open to the public to attend, except on the rare occasion when items of a personal or confidential matter are due to be considered.


The Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council is elected at its post-election annual meeting.  The term of office of the Leader starts on the day of his/her election as Leader and ends on the day the Council holds its first annual meeting after the Leader’s normal day of retirement as a Councillor unless he/she:


a.         resigns as Leader;

b.         is suspended from being a Councillor;

c.         is no longer a Councillor; and

d.         is removed from office by resolution of Council.


The current Leader of the Council is Councillor Ann-Marie Barker.

Question time at the Executive

A public question time takes place at each of the meetings of the Executive during the year. Under the scheme, thirty minutes is set aside at the start of the meetings to allow anyone living or working in the Borough to ask up to three questions of a particular member of the Executive or to the Leader.

Questions need to be submitted in writing (by letter or e-mail) to the Chief Executive no later than 12 noon seven days before the day of the meeting.  Questions can also be submitted online using this link – ask a question at a public meeting.

The questions are first received by the Chief Executive who may reject a question if it:

·         Concerns an issue for which the Council has no responsibility or does not affect the Borough.

·         Is defamatory, frivolous or offensive.

·         Requires the disclosure of confidential information.

The Chief Executive will enter each question in a book which can be viewed by members of the public. A copy of the question(s) will be sent to the Leader of the Council and the Councillor to whom the question has been put. If no particular Councillor is specified, the question will be put to the Leader. Rejected questions will also be recorded with a reason for the rejection.

What happens next?

Individuals who have raised a question will be invited to the meeting of the Executive and will be asked by the Leader to pose the question to the relevant Councillor. If the individual is not able to attend the meeting, the Leader can be asked to raise the question on their behalf. The Leader may then decide whether to ask the question, provide a written reply or decide that the question will not be dealt with in the absence of the individual.

Anyone who accepts the invitation to ask their question in person at the meeting can also ask one additional related question without notice. In the event that there isn't enough time during public question time to answer all questions, the Executive will respond in writing.

For further information, please contact Member Services on 01483 743863, email, or visit Public questions at council meetings | Woking Borough Council



Contact information

Support officer: Julie Northcote. on 01483 743053 or email

Postal address:
Civic Offices
Gloucester Square
GU21 6YL

Phone: 01483 743053
