Councillor Lyons, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy, introduced the report which recommended to Council the conclusions of the 5 Year Review of the Core Strategy. The Executive was informed that there was a legislative requirement to review the Core Strategy every five years. The Council had produced its Core Strategy in 2012 and it was last reviewed in 2018. The Core Strategy provided the local strategic planning framework for the management of land uses in the Borough for the period up to 2027. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the review had demonstrated that all the policies of the Core Strategy remained up-to-date and fit for purpose, and were in general conformity with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It was noted that a consultation with other statutory bodes had been undertaken, under the provisions of Duty to Cooperate guidance, and the comments raised would be taken into consideration when work began on a new Local Plan.
The Executive welcomed that green infrastructure was embedded in the Core Strategy and would feature strongly in the new Local Plan which would be required from 2027. Subject to Council approval, Officers would bring forward a timetable and work programme regarding the new Local Plan including stakeholder consultation. It was noted that the Masterplan work would be incorporated into the new Local Plan. The availability of office space in local centres and provision of three bedroom homes in the Borough were highlighted as areas of attention when considering the new Local Plan. The Planning Policy Team were thanked for their work on the review.
RECOMMENDed to Council
That (i) the conclusions of the 5 Year Review of the Core Strategy set out in the report be confirmed; and
(ii) Officers bring forward a timetable and associated outline of the work programme to produce a new Local Plan for the Borough of Woking.
Reason: To consider a 5 year review of the Core Strategy which determines whether the policies contained within it are up to date and effective, as required by the local plan regulations and the National Planning Policy Framework. The last review of the Core Strategy was undertaken in 2018. There is a legislative requirement to review a Core Strategy every five years and a review in 2023 was required. The Core Strategy sets out strategic planning policy for the Borough until 2027. A new Local Plan or possibly a new Core Strategy will be required from 2027.