Issue - decisions

Performance and Financial Monitoring Information

27/09/2018 - Performance and Financial Monitoring Information

The Executive considered the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information (Green Book), July 2018.  Regarding democratic representation on page 12 of the Green Book, the Executive was informed that the overspend of £15,000 in backdated allowances was due to the Independent Remuneration Panel agreeing to review the Leader’s Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) and supporting an increase from £5,000 to £12,000 based on an average figure across Surrey Leaders’.  It was noted that the Panel would be undertaking a comprehensive review of all Member allowances to take effect in 2019/20.

Following a question from Councillor Hughes regarding opportunity purchases on page 17 of the Green Book, the Leader agreed to check whether the Council owned other properties in Guildford Road and to provide an answer to Councillor Hughes outside of the meeting.

Regarding car parking and the demolition of the Red Car Park, the Executive was advised that Officers would be managing car parking allocations as a consequence of the demolition of the Red Car Park.  It was noted that the public would be made aware when plans were finalised.  The Executive was informed that Officers were confident that there were spaces in the Town to accommodate car parking requirements.  Officers reported that the demolition plan was currently out to tender and that Members would be made aware as soon as decisions on the demolition had been finalised.

Members discussed affordable homes and the Leader highlighted a presentation by the Chief Executive on Affordable Housing Proposals to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 16 July 2018.  The Executive heard that the Chief Finance Officer had secured the opportunity to bid for more money on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).  The Executive was encouraged to hear that the Leader and Deputy Leader would be meeting the Housing Minister in October.

Members also discussed voids and urgent repairs.  Regarding missed food waste collections, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that Officers were in direct communication with Amey to rectify the issues caused by some changes to waste collection rounds.


That the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information, July 2018, be received.

Reason:   To manage the performance of the Council.