Issue - decisions

Performance and Financial Monitoring Information

18/04/2018 - Performance and Financial Monitoring Information

The Executive considered the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information (Green Book), January 2018.  Regarding Tante Marie, the Chief Executive reported that the Council was seeking to secure its long-term investment through the re-gearing of the lease.  The Executive was advised that letting agents were in discussion with new prospective tenants of the former Tante Marie restaurant.

Members discussed missed food waste collections and performance against target.  Councillor Mrs B A Hunwicks, Portfolio Holder for Waste and Recycling, acknowledged that there had been some issues with collections however improvements had been made and Joint Waste Solutions had been outstanding in ensuring missed bins were collected.  It was highlighted that Woking Borough Council had performed better than its fellow contract partners; Surrey Heath and Elmbridge.  The Portfolio Holder thanked Waste Officers for their hard work.

Regarding families in temporary accommodation, it was noted that the February 2018 Green Book and future editions would indicate the number of families in non-secure accommodation in Sheerwater.

Discussion ensued on Thameswey Housing’s rent model and the Executive was advised that Thameswey had varied its rent levels where required by the market.  It was agreed that Councillor Barker would send a specific resident rent query to Ray Morgan and Sue Barham for investigation.


That the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information, January 2018, be received.

Reason:   To manage the performance of the Council.