Issue - decisions

2018/0292 Land Rear of Morrisons Delivery Area, Goldsworth Road, Woking

21/09/2018 - 2018/0292 Land Rear of Morrisons Delivery Area, Goldsworth Road, Woking

[Note 1:  Councillor Aziz left the Chamber during the consideration of this application]

[Note 2: In accordance with the procedure for public speaking at Planning Committee, Mr Ben Whitaker attended the meeting and spoke in objection to the application]

The Committee considered  an application for the erection of a freestanding two storey restaurant with a drive-thru, car parking, landscaping, patio, playframe and associated works, plus the installation of two Customer Order Displays with associated canopies.

[Note 3: The Officer  advised the Committee of updates to Condition 6 as noted below:

Excluding the Customer Order Displays shown on the approved plans listed within Condition 2 of this notice, no sound reproduction equipment which conveys messages, music and other sound by voice or otherwise which is audible outside the premises shall be installed on the site without prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason:  To protect the environment and amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012.

The Chairman asked the Planning Officer to address concerns raised by the Public Speaker in regards to the refusal of the KFC application. The Planning Officer advised the Committee that the KFC application was refused and an appeal had been dismissed for the following reasons:

(i)         the loss of public house which would have undermined the availability of such facilities within the Town Centre;

(ii)        the application failed to make effective and efficient use of the site of the Town Centre, undermining the sustainability and economic objectives for this location in the Town Centre; and

(iii)       the application  failed to have regard to the key location in the Town Centre.

It was noted that the current application was a vacant site located on the edge of Woking Town Centre.  The Woking Town Centre boundary was sited a minimum of approximately 77m to the north of the site.  The Woking Core Strategy (2012) glossary defined drive-through restaurants as a Town Centre use.  The proposed site was therefore not a preferred location for the proposed use as it fell outside of Woking Town Centre, however provision was made in paragraphs 86 and 87 of the NPPF (2018) to enable considerations of proposal at such locations.  Paragraph 86 of the NPPF stated that ‘main town centre uses should be located in town centres, then in edge of centre locations; and only if suitable sites are not available (or are expected to become available within a reasonable period) should out of centre sites be considered’.  The NPPF glossary defined edge of centre ‘for all other main town centre uses, a location within 300 metres of a town centre boundary’.  The proposed use was a main town centre use and the application site is located within 300m of the town centre boundary. 

In regards to the 24 hour opening facility, it was stated in the Hot Food Takeaway SDP (Supplementary Planning Document) that limited operating hours should be applied in order to minimise the impact on neighbouring residents.  It was noted that the nearest residential properties would be sited approximately 46m from the application site.  In view of the separation distance, it was considered the proposed development would not have a detrimental impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties in terms of loss of daylight, overlooking or overbearing impacts.   In respect of traffic and Highway safety, the Highway Authority had been consulted and raised no objections.  Condition 11 was recommended to ensure parking was provided prior to first occupation.  It was therefore considered that the proposed development would not have an adverse impact on parking provision in the immediate area. The application site was located within walking distance of Woking Town Centre and accessible by both public transport and cycling.   

Concerns had been raised over litter.  The Planning Officer noted that the submitted Planning Statement stated that ‘it is company policy to conduct a minimum of three daily litter patrols, whereby employees pick up not only McDonald’s packaging, but also any other litter that would  have been discarded in the vicinity of a restaurant’ and ‘litter bins are provided outside all restaurants’.  Condition 10 was recommended to secure details of litter bins.  

Some Members had raised concerns that the operation would be the only 24 hour opening restaurant facility within Woking.  This would possibly attract large numbers of public,  especially once the majority of facilities within the Town Centre had closed.  Members felt sympathy for the local residents, stating that the 24 hour opening facility would have a detrimental  impact and that it would only be reasonable if the trading hours of the restaurant would be in line with the local Morrison’s.

Some Councillors expressed concern that there would be insufficient bike parking spaces.  The Planning Officer noted that six bike parking spaces on site had been provided and added that additional spaces could be added to the recommendations if supported by the Committee.  Councillor Morales suggested that a minimum of twelve bike parking spaces would suffice, members were in agreement with this.

Chris Dale, Development Manager, expressed his view on the trading hours, explaining that restaurant and supermarket use would be totally different and felt that it would be overly restrictive of the Committee to restrict the restaurant operating trading hours inline with Morrison’s.

Councillor Whitehand moved and Councillor L M N Morales seconded that the recommended opening and closing operational trading times should be agreed as follows:

Monday – Saturday    06:00am – 11:00pm

Sundays                       08:00am – 10:00pm


That Planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and additional amendments as follows:

(i)            twelve bike parking spaces to be added;

(ii)           operating trading hours as noted in minutes; and

(iii)          exclude the Customer Order Display (COD).