Issue - decisions

2018/0166 35 Eve Road, Woking

21/09/2018 - 2018/0166 35 Eve Road, Woking

[Note: In accordance with the procedure for public speaking at Planning Committee, Mr Anthony Roberts attended the meeting and spoke in objection to the application and Mr Paul Uttley spoke in support of the application].

The Committee considered an application for the subdivision of existing dwelling into two three bedroom dwellings and erection of a part two storey, part single storey rear extension and rear dormer roof extension plus associated external alterations and formation of parking area to the rear.

Councillor Aziz, Ward Councillor, spoke in favour of the proposed construction of the dwellings, though raised concerns on ongoing parking issues on Eve Road and Arnold Road.  Councillor Aziz added that some residents had recently drawn up a petition requesting for these roads to become a CPZ (Controlled Parking Zone), whilst a parallel petition had been submitted against it.  Neither petition had been received by the Council. Councillor Aziz felt that the enforcement of a CPZ would be the only way forward to alleviate parking issues within these areas. The Chairman confirmed that CPZ was outside the remit of the Planning Committee.

Councillor Boote raised referred to previous applications 2013/0326 and 2014/0165 which had been both refused for reasons being “cramped and contrived representing an overdevelopment of the site”.  Councillor Boote felt that the proposed application was not different in that it had been considered to be cramped and contrived.  It was noted that 26 objections had been received from residents. The Planning Officer acknowledged that the previous applications had been refused on conditions outlined in the report. He explained that the new proposal had been for a subdivision of two conventional dwellings with their own amenity space and acceptable boundaries which had been granted in 2015. 


That planning permission be granted subject to conditions in the report and a Section 106 Agreement.