Issue - decisions

2018/0574 Dormy Cottage, Jackmans Lane, St Johns, Woking

21/09/2018 - 2018/0574 Dormy Cottage, Jackmans Lane, St Johns, Woking

[Planning Officer advised the Committee that two representation letters had been received from neighbouring  residents following submission of the original proposal.  One resident stated they had been content with the proposed reduced size garage from that in the original proposal, however concerns were raised of the width of accessing the new dwelling from Jackmans Lane.  The other representation did not raise any points over and above the previous application.]

The Planning Committee considered an application for the erection of a new 5 bedroom detached dwelling at Dormy Cottage, a new garage at Dinnet Cottage, a new carport at Dormy Cottage and associated improved access and relocated boundaries following demolition of two existing garages and two outbuildings at Dinnet Cottage and Dormy Cottage (amended drawings).

The Planning Officer explained that comments received included concern over the fire engine access to the dwelling and that turning facilities were limited.  The Planning Officer informed that the Council’s Chief Building Control Surveyor had been consulted and it was reported that the current application plans did not comply with B5, Paragraph 11.2 due to vehicle access for the dwelling house exceeding 45m.  The plan had not been in accordance with paragraph 11.5 as turning facilities that were more than 20m long were not present.  The advice given from the Chief Building Control Surveyor would be to consider installing a water suppression system in accordance Surrey Fire Brigade recommendations.

The Chairman referred to the two roof lights and obscured windows which were thought to have an overlooking impact on the neighbours.  The Planning Officer clarified that the windows were not obscured and glazed and had an acceptable sill height of 1.7m requirement in condition 5.


That planning be granted subject to recommended conditions and Section 106 Legal Agreement.