Issue - decisions

Performance and Financial Monitoring Information

29/01/2020 - Performance and Financial Monitoring Information

The Executive considered the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information (Green Book) November 2019.  Following a question regarding appeals allowed against decision to refuse planning applications, the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy, Councillor Cundy, confirmed that there had been no changes to planning guidance nor any new guidance published by the government.  It was noted that the Planning Inspectorate had recruited a number of new Planning Inspectors to address a backlog of appeals and that Planning Officers would keep under review any trends in decision making by the Planning Inspectorate.

Regarding food inspections, the Executive was informed that Environmental Health had used external contractors to undertake some food inspections for some time as it was the most effective and efficient use of resources.

The reduction in satisfaction levels with street cleaning was highlighted.  The Portfolio Holder for Waste and Recycling, Councillor Davis, advised the Executive that there had been no changes to street cleaning services and that it would be useful to see if a downward trend was emerging.  Councillor Davis commented that fortnightly meetings were held with Serco to discuss service issues.  Members also discussed the recent issues with waste collections, including icy conditions, a vehicle breakdown and staff sickness.  It was noted that the Portfolio Holder and Joint Waste Solutions would be attending the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 20 January 2020 for the Joint Waste Management Performance Review item.

Members also discussed legal costs in relation to commercial properties and Dukes Court revenue.


That the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information, November 2019, be received.

Reason:   To manage the performance of the Council.