Issue - decisions

Internal Audit Service Progress Update

12/11/2019 - Internal Audit Progress Report STA19-013

James Graham, Head of Internal Audit, introduced the report which summarised the internal audit activity from 1 April 2019 to 30 August 2019, including the progress in delivering the 2019/20 internal audit plan; a summary of limited / nil assurance reports and high priority recommendations; and implementation of recommendations.  Since the publication of the report, the high priority recommendation for IT Disaster Recovery had been implemented.


Following questions, it was noted that there should be less work potentially carried forward to the next financial year.  The latest completed audits set out under paragraph 3.5 of the report would be added to the Members’ Ipads.  In addition, with regard to the recommendation regarding the Risk Register and Issues Log documents for the Sheerwater Regeneration Governance, Peter Bryant, Head of Democratic and Legal Services, advised that it had always been intended that the Register and Log would be produced once construction had begun in July 2019.  The Register and Log would be received by the Sheerwater Regeneration Delivery and Oversight Panel once drafting was complete.




That the report be received and progress against the 2018/19 Internal Audit Plan and implementation of Internal Audit recommendations be noted.