Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.
Serve Hygiene Improvement Notice under Food
Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 section 6
Decision Maker: Strategic Director - Place
Decision published: 23/10/2024
Effective from: 12/02/2024
To require food safety training of food
Lead officer: Liz Liesicke
Serve Hygiene Improvement Notice under Food
Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 section 6
Decision Maker: Strategic Director - Place
Decision published: 23/10/2024
Effective from: 12/02/2024
To require cleaning of kitchen and store
Lead officer: Liz Liesicke
Part 3 Scheme of Delegations – Housing
Director – 15
Decision Maker: Strategic Director - Communities
Decision published: 28/03/2024
Effective from: 09/02/2024
Grant Final Licence
Lead officer: Mandy Cooper
Part 3 Scheme of Delegations – Housing
Director – 15
Decision Maker: Strategic Director - Communities
Decision published: 28/03/2024
Effective from: 09/02/2024
Grant Final Licence
Lead officer: Mandy Cooper
Part 3 Scheme of Delegations – Housing
Director – 15
Decision Maker: Strategic Director - Communities
Decision published: 28/03/2024
Effective from: 09/02/2024
Grant Final Licence
Lead officer: Mandy Cooper
Part 3 Scheme of Delegations – Housing
Director – 15
Decision Maker: Strategic Director - Communities
Decision published: 28/03/2024
Effective from: 09/02/2024
Grant Final Licence
Lead officer: Mandy Cooper
Part 3 Scheme of Delegations – Housing
Director – 15
Decision Maker: Strategic Director - Communities
Decision published: 27/03/2024
Effective from: 02/02/2024
Grant Final Licence
Lead officer: Mandy Cooper
Financial regulation 12.14
Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer
Decision published: 08/02/2024
Effective from: 08/02/2023
To write off Council Tax debts during the
month of : January 2024
Lead officer: David Ripley
Financial regulation 12.14 states:
Any debt due to the Council may only be written-off with the
authorisation of
the Executive except, insofar as an individual debt does not exceed
the initial authority may be given by the Interim Finance Director
who shall be
required to publish periodically reports of the debts that have
been written off
in accordance with the delegated authority.
Debts over £10,000 are reported to the Executive at least
annually in the Statement of Accounts and any other delegated
reports as and recommend for write off by the Section 151
The Revenues, Benefits & Customer Services Business Manager is
exercising an authority delegated to him by the Section 151 officer
for debts from £5000.00 up to £10,000.
The Benefits Team Manager is exercising an authority delegated to
her by the Section 151 Officer for debts up to £5,000
Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer
Decision published: 08/02/2024
Effective from: 08/02/2024
To write off Housing benefit debts during the
month of January 2024
Lead officer: David Ripley
Financial regulation 12.14 states:
Any debt due to the Council may only be written-off with the
authorisation of the Executive except, insofar as an individual
debt does not exceed £10,000.00, the initial authority may be
given by the Chief Finance Officer who shall be required to publish
periodically reports of the debts that have been written off in
accordance with the delegated authority.
The Business Support Manager is exercising an authority delegated
to them by the CFO for debts up to £5,000.00. The Financial
Services Manager is exercising an authority delegated to them by
the CFO for debts up to £10,000.00. The Financial Director
(Chief Finance Officer) is exercising this delegated
authority/recommendation for debts over £10,000.00. There is
delegated authority for Business Support Officers to authorise
small debt write offs of £100.00 and under.
Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer
Decision published: 05/02/2024
Effective from: 02/02/2024
To write off Sundry debts during the month of:
January 2024.
Under £5,000.00 - 3 debts - total: £3,098.00.
Lead officer: Molly Doyle