• Refuse the planning due to a Noise Impact Assessment
which takes into account the proximity of the site the M25 and
Parvis Road, and informs any mitigation measures necessary to
protect residential amenity has not been presented to the public
(Woking Borough Council Site Allocations DPD- Section GB9 and
• Refuse the planning due to the fact that no wastewater
drainage strategy produced by Thames Water, considering potential
wastewater capacity constraints in the area; impact of the
site’s development on the wastewater network and necessary
upgrades to the existing drainage infrastructure has not been
presented to local residents (Woking Borough Council Site
Allocations DPD- Section GB9 and GB9A)
• Refuse the planning since no Flood Risk Assessment, produced
by the Environment Agency, in accordance with Policy CS9: Flooding
and water management as the site is adjacent to Flood Zones 2 and 3
as well as most up-to-date climate projections have been presented
to the public within the Borough residents (Woking Borough Council
Site Allocations DPD- Section GB9 and GB9A)
• Refuse the planning since no up-to-date assessment from the
Department of Education for the education needs arising from the
development has been presented to the residents nor have we been
presented with any plan for essential education infrastructure
necessary to mitigate identified impacts caused by the development
residents (Woking Borough Council Site Allocations DPD- Section GB9
and GB9A)
• Refuse the planning because no NHS impact assessment on the
overcapacity of our local Health Centres has been presented to the
public nor an assessment on the wellbeing of local residents
brought on by the added bearing of this development. (Act J - Local
authorities’ public health responsibilities (England), House
of Commons Library)
• Refuse the planning since no Fire Risk Assessment has been
requested by the Local Authority to the London Fire and Emergency
Planning Authority to ascertain the viability of emergency vehicles
being able to enter and exit the site since only one access way has
been projected.
• Refuse the planning because no credible Traffic Increase
Assessment by National Highways has been presented to the people of
Byfleet, West Byfleet and Pyrford and surrounding areas determining
how over 1000+ vehicles will impact our local over-capacitated
roads, further impeding the much congested flow residents (Woking
Borough Council Site Allocations DPD- Section GB9 and GB9A)
These demands from We The People of Byfleet, West Byfleet and
Pyrford apply not only to the projected West Hall Development, but
also to all future similar projected developments within our area
of residence.
Furthermore, the West Hall Development land HAS to be returned to
our Green Belt.
This ePetition ran from 25/04/2024 to 25/07/2024 and has now finished.
2 people signed this ePetition.
“The site known as West Hall was removed from the Green Belt for residential development following the adoption of the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) in October 2021. Prior to the adoption of the Site Allocations DPD, there was extensive public consultation and engagement in accordance with the statutory requirements for the plan-making process. This process also included the examination of the proposals (i.e., the proposed site allocations) by an independent Planning Inspector. It is entirely lawful for local planning authorities to amend their Green Belt boundaries through the development plan process, which is how this amendment was made.
The site is identified in Policy GB9 and GB9A of the Site Allocations DPD as an allocation to deliver some of Woking’s housing needs (around 555 dwellings is the plan’s indicative yield along with 15 Traveller pitches). This means the principle of development of this site was agreed following the adoption of the Site Allocations DPD. The Site Allocations DPD forms part of Woking’s Development Plan meaning that for the purposes of assessing planning applications, the document has primacy and must carry full weight in planning application decision making unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Site Allocations DPD 2021 document can be viewed here - https://www.woking2027.info/allocations
A planning application has been submitted for residential
development on this site, including traveller pitches and full
details of the application can be viewed on the Council’s
Public Access website using the reference number PLAN/2024/0475. An
Environmental Statement has been submitted with the planning
application which provides technical information relating to the
proposed development including ecological, noise and highway
information. Not only will the submitted planning application be
assessed against the criteria in Policy GB9 and GB9A, but it will
also be assessed against all relevant policies in the Woking Core
Strategy 2012, the Development Management Policies DPD 2016,
national and local planning guidance and any other relevant
material planning considerations. The proposals will also need to
demonstrate how they are going to deliver a 10% Biodiversity Net
Gain, a requirement set out by the Environment Act