Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Petition - The Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum. WBC19-017'
- Councillor Deborah Hughes - Non Pecuniary - In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor D Hughes and Councillor L Morales declared an interest in Item 6 – Petition – The Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum and Item 7 – Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Area Designation arising from their position as Members of the Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum and their decision to sign the Hoe Valley petition. The interest was such that speaking and voting were permissible.
- Councillor Louise Morales - Non Pecuniary - In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor D Hughes and Councillor L Morales declared an interest in Item 6 – Petition – The Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum and Item 7 – Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Area Designation arising from their position as Members of the Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum and their decision to sign the Hoe Valley petition. The interest was such that speaking and voting were permissible.