Officer decisions

Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Alternatively you can visit the decisions by Cabinet, committees, etc page for information on decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Officer decisions
Title Date
Housing Act 2004 Part 2 24/00034/HMO 22/11/2024
Housing Act 2004 Part 2 24/00042/HMO 22/11/2024
Housing Act 2004 Part 2 24/00040/HMO 22/11/2024
Housing Act 2004 Part 2 24/00039/HMO 22/11/2024
Housing Act 2004 Part 2 24/00041/HMO 22/11/2024
Housing Act 2004 Part 2 24/00037/HMO 15/11/2024
Housing Act 2004 Part 2 24/00026/HMO 08/11/2024
Housing Act 2004 Part 2 24/00025/HMO 08/11/2024
Housing Act 2004 Part 2 24/00021/HMO 08/11/2024
Housing Act 2004 Section 11& 12 Improvement Notice 24/00158HA1112 02/09/2024
Housing Act 2004 Section 11 Improvement Notice 24/00100HA1112 20/05/2024
Housing Act 2004 Section 11& 12 Improvement Notice 24/00158HA1112 01/05/2024
Housing Act 2004 Section 11& 12 Improvement Notice 24/00085HA1112 01/05/2024
Housing Benefit Write off October 2024 21/01/2024