Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices. View directions
Contact: Frank Jeffrey, Head of Democratic Services on 01483 743012 or email
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors T Aziz, A Boote and G Elson. |
Mayor's Communications. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor reported on the events he had attended following his election as Mayor on 19 May 2022. These had included a passing out parade at the Army Training Centre in Pirbright, an event attended by nearly 4,000 Beavers, Scouts and Guides at Merrist Wood College, a multi faith football match organised through Woking People of Faith and an event hosted by Woking Gymnastics Club. |
Urgent Business. To consider any business which the Chairman rules may be dealt with under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No items of Urgent Business were considered. |
Declarations of Interest. PDF 48 KB (i) To receive declarations of interest from Members and Officers in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting. (ii) In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor A Azad declares a non-pecuniary interest in any items concerning the companies of which she is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that speaking and voting are permissible. (iii) In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor K M Davis declares a non-pecuniary interest in any items concerning the companies of which he is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that speaking and voting are permissible. (iv) In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor C S Kemp declares a non-pecuniary interest in any items concerning the companies of which he is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that speaking and voting are permissible. (v) In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Chief Executive, Julie Fisher, declares a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that Mrs Fisher may advise the Council on those items. (vi) In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Director of Legal and Democratic Services, Joanne McIntosh, declares a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that Mrs McIntosh may advise the Council on those items. (vii) In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director – Place, Giorgio Framalicco, declares a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which he is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that Mr Framalicco may advise the Council on those items. (viii) In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director – Communities, Louise Strongitharm, declares a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she is a Council-appointed director. The companies are listed in the attached schedule. The interests are such that Mrs Strongitharm may advise the Council on those items. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor A Azad declared a non-pecuniary interest in any items concerning the companies of which she was a Council appointed director. The companies were listed in an attached schedule. The interests were such that speaking and voting were permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor K M Davis declared a non-pecuniary interest in any items concerning the companies of which he was a Council appointed director. The companies were listed in an attached schedule. The interests were such that speaking and voting were permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor C S Kemp declared a non-pecuniary interest in any items concerning the companies of which he was a Council appointed director. The companies were listed in an attached schedule. The interests were such that speaking and voting were permissible. In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Chief Executive, Julie Fisher, declared a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she was a Council-appointed director. The companies were listed in an attached schedule. The interests were such that Mrs Fisher could advise the Council on those items. In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Director of Legal and Democratic Services, Joanne McIntosh, declared a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she was a Council-appointed director. The companies were listed in an attached schedule. The interests were such that Mrs McIntosh could advise the Council on those items. In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director - Place, Giorgio Framalicco, declared a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which he was a Council-appointed director. The companies were listed in an attached schedule. The interests were such that Mr Framalicco could advise the Council on those items. In accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Strategic Director – Communities, Louise Strongitharm, declared a disclosable personal interest (non-pecuniary) in any items concerning the companies of which she was a Council-appointed director. The companies were listed in an attached schedule. The interests were such that Mrs Strongitharm could advise the Council on those items. |
Election of the Leader of the Executive ("Leader of the Council"). Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Forster moved and Councillor Morales seconded the election of Councillor Barker as Leader of the Executive (“Leader of the Council”). RESOLVED That Councillor Ann-Marie Barker be elected Leader of the Executive (“Leader of the Council”). |
Leader of the Council's Statement. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader, Councillor Barker, made a statement on her approach for the forthcoming year and advised that the Executive for 2022/23 would comprise Councillor Forster as Deputy Leader, and Councillors Johnson, Leach, Lyons, Nicholson and Roberts. Councillor Azad, Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor Ali, Deputy Leader of the Labour Group, and Councillor Jordan, Deputy Leader of the Independent Group, were given the opportunity to respond to Councillor Barker’s statement. |
Questions. To deal with written questions submitted by Members under Standing Order 8.1. Copies of the questions and of the draft replies (which are subject to amendment by the Leader of the Council) will be laid upon the table. Additional documents: Minutes: No questions had been received. |
Political Balance of the Council 2022-23 WBC22-016. PDF 53 KB To receive a report on the Political Balance of the Council. The report will be published shortly before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Formal notices had been received which had the effect of dividing the Council into political groups. The composition of the Council was as follows: Liberal Democrat 16 Conservative 8 Labour 3 Independent 3 In addition, notification had been received of the Members to act as Group Leader and Deputy Group Leader of each political group as follows:- Group Leader Deputy Group Leader Liberal Democrat Councillor A-M Barker Councillor W Forster Conservative Councillor Azad Councillor C Kemp Labour Councillor T Aziz Councillor M I Raja Independent Councillor A Boote Councillor D Jordan RESOLVED That the report be received. |
Selection Panel WBC22-019. PDF 216 KB To receive the minutes of the Selection Panel held on Tuesday, 17 May 2022 and agree the recommendations contained therein. The minutes will be published shortly before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council moved and Councillor Forster seconded the receipt of the recommendations from Selection Panel which had met on 17 May 2022. Appointment of Members to Committees and Sub-Committees 2022-23. RESOLVED That (i) the Memberships of the Planning Committee and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be increased by 1 to 10 Members, and the Membership of the Standards and Audit Committee be increased by 1 to 6 Members; and (ii) the proportions for each Committee be settled as follows:
*Independent Co-Opted Member Appointment of Members to Working Groups and Task Groups 2022-23. RESOLVED That (i) the Aggregates Site Working Group be disbanded; (ii) the HIF Oversight Panel be disbanded; (iii) a HIF Task Group of 7 Members be established under the remit of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, taking on the responsibilities of the Aggregates Site Working Group and the HIF Oversight Panel; (iv) the Elections and Electoral Registration Review Panel be renamed the Elections Panel and its membership to comprise the Group Leaders and Deputy Group Leaders (8); (v) terms of reference for the Elections Panel be drawn up and presented at the next meeting of the Panel; (vi) the Governance Review Task Group be disbanded; (vii) membership on the Military Covenant Advisory Panel be increased from 5 to 6; (viii) the Victoria Square Oversight Panel be renamed the Victoria Square and Town Centre Oversight Panel; (ix) the Climate Change Working Group be renamed the Greener Woking Working Group; (x) the membership of the Housing Task Group be reduced from 8 to 7 Members; and (xi) the proportions for each Group be settled as follows:
*Independent Co-Opted Member
Constitution of Committees 2022-23 WBC22-017. PDF 55 KB To approve the membership of Committees for 2022/23. The report will be published shortly before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council had before it a document setting out the proposed memberships of the Committees for the coming year. RESOLVED That Membership of the Committees for 2022-23, as set out below, be agreed.
Appointments to Working Groups 2022-23 WBC22-018. PDF 57 KB To consider the membership of Working Groups for 2022/23. The report will be published shortly before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council had before it a document setting out the proposed memberships of the Working Groups under the remit of Council for the coming year. RESOLVED That membership of the Working Groups for 2022/23, as set out below,be agreed.
Appointments to Ad Hoc Bodies and Ex Officio Positions 2022-23 WBC22-020. PDF 125 KB To consider the nominations to Ad Hoc Bodies and Ex-Officio Positions for 2022/23. The report will be published shortly before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council was asked to agree the appointments to Ad Hoc Bodies and to receive the list of Ex Officio appointments. In respect of the appointments available through the Surrey Leaders’ Group, the Council noted that no nominations had been received. RESOLVED That (i) appointments to Ad Hoc Bodies as set out below be agreed; and
(ii) the schedule of Ex Officio appointments as set out below be noted:
Notices of Motion. To deal with anymotions received in accordance with Standing Order 5.0. Any motions received before the deadline has passed for the receipt of motions will be published shortly before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: No Notices of Motion had been received. |