Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, Surrey GU21 6YL
Contact: Doug Davern on 01483 743018 or email
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A Azad. The Leader of the Council, Councillor D Bittleston, congratulated Councillor C Kemp on his recent appointment as the Deputy Leader of Surrey County Council. |
Urgent Business To consider any business that the Chairman rules may be dealt with under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of Urgent Business under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 22 November 2018 as published. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 22 November 2018 be approved and signed as a true and correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary and other interest from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, the Leader of the Council, Councillor David Bittleston, will declare an interest in agenda item no. 31, Royal Horticultural Society (Wisley) – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from his Membership of the Royal Horticultural Society. The interest is such that speaking and voting are permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, the Leader of the Council, Councillor David Bittleston, will declare a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 62, Woking & Sam Beare Hospices – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from his wife on occasion working as a bank Nurse at the Hospice. The interest is such that Councillor Bittleston will leave the Chamber for this item. In accordance with Officer Procedure Rules, the Deputy Chief Executive, Douglas Spinks, and the Community Development Manager, Sylvie Marshall, will declare an interest in agenda item no. 31, Royal Horticultural Society (Wisley) – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from their Memberships of the Royal Horticultural Society. The interest is such that it will not prevent them from advising the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Bittleston, declared an interest in agenda item no. 31, Royal Horticultural Society (Wisley) – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from his Membership of the Royal Horticultural Society. The interest was such that speaking and voting were permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Bittleston, declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 62, Woking & Sam Beare Hospices – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from his wife on occasion working as a bank Nurse at the Hospice. The interest was such that Councillor Bittleston left the Chamber for this item, which the Executive agreed would be chaired by Councillor Kemp. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor B Hunwicks declared an interest in agenda item no. 31, Royal Horticultural Society (Wisley) – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from her Membership of the Royal Horticultural Society. The interest was such that speaking and voting were permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor K Davis declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda items 7, 1st Goldsworth Park Scout Group – Application for Financial Assistance and 52, Woking District Scouts (Handicamp) – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from his membership of the scout community. The interest was such that speaking and voting were permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor C Kemp declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 23, LCAG Lift Up Together and Little Minions – Application for Financial Assistance, due to being to the Chairman of the Group in his position as a Council representative. The interest was such that speaking and voting were permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor A-M Barker declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 18, Friends of Woking High School – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from being of Friend of the School as her child was a pupil. The interest was such that speaking was permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor I Eastwood declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 57, Woking Shopmobility – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from his wife being a member of the Committee and being a user and member himself. The interest was such that Councillor Eastwood left the Chamber for this item. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor D Hughes declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 57, Woking Shopmobility – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from her father being a user of the service. The interest was such that speaking was permissible. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor D Hughes, declared an interest in agenda item no. 31, Royal Horticultural Society (Wisley) – Application for Financial Assistance, arising from her Membership of the Royal Horticultural Society. The interest was such that speaking was permissible. In accordance with Officer Procedure Rules, the Deputy Chief Executive, Douglas ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Progress on the Gender Pay Gap EXE18-058 Reporting Person – Douglas Spinks. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Bowes welcomed the report which had been prepared following his Motion to Council and advised the Executive that he was supportive of the action plan as set out in the report.
That the action plan be noted.
Reason: To receive an update on how the Council is planning to address its gender pay gap. |
Applications for Financial Assistance 2019/20 EXE18-054 The Reporting Persons for the Applications for Financial Assistance 2019/20 are Douglas Spinks, Deputy Chief Executive, Frank Jeffrey, Democratic Services Manager, and Sylvie Marshall, Community Development and Engagement Manager. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Councillor D Bittleston, introduced the report which set out the grant applications received as part of the Community Support Scheme 2019/20, noting that the recommended funding totalled £867,249 of the available revenue budget, with a further £10,000 to be ringfenced. In addition, the recommendations for capital or one-off applications equated to £200,810 from the Community Fund. The Leader noted that the high level of support from Woking Borough Council showed its ongoing commitment to supporting the voluntary sector, which included grant funding, accommodation, concessionary rent, discretionary rate relief, parking spaces and the provision of advice. The total value of the Council’s support for the voluntary sector for the coming year was estimated to be £1,848,879, which was significantly higher than any other local authority in Surrey. The Executive was advised that the Portfolio Holder for Grants to Voluntary Organisations, Councillor Azad, had been unable to attend the meeting. However, she had undertaken the preparatory assessment work between September and December and requested that the Executive supported the recommendations set out in the reports. The importance of Groups undertaking joint working with the Council was noted along with the ongoing constraints on Council budgets which required the community groups to prepare for possible funding reductions each year. The Leader thanked Officers for their work in the preparation of the reports before the Executive. RESOLVED That (i) the report be noted; (ii) the positions regarding the applications for Horsell Prepared and Freedom Leisure be noted; (iii) any unused funds remaining in the budget from the 2019/20 financial year be transferred to the Community Fund; and (iv) the allocation of funding of £10,000 to the Woking Asian Business Forum to manage the Alpha Road Community Hall (ARCH) be noted. Reason: To determine financial support for voluntary and community organisations through the Council’s Community Grants Scheme for the 2019/20 financial year. |
1st Goldsworth Park Scout Group - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-066
Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received an application from 1st Goldsworth Park Scout Group towards the cost of making good the paving areas and surrounding paths to the Generation Centre. Following a question by Councillor Lyons, the Shadow Portfolio for Grants to Voluntary Organisations, it was noted that the standard Council contribution towards capital applications to be supported equated to 50% of the total cost, unless exceptional circumstances could be demonstrated by the Group.
That a grant of 50% of the costs up to a maximum of £7,500 be awarded from the Community Fund towards the paving work.
Reason: The proposed work to the paving area will improve the appearance and safety of the access to the Generation Centre. |
Age Concern Woking - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-103 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Boom Credit Union - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-097 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Byfleet Bowls Club - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-093 Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received a report recommending financial assistance towards a new watering system, footpath repairs and a defibrillator by Byfleet Bowls Club. It was noted that the defibrillator should be based on the outside of the building, although if it was deemed impractical by the Council’s Senior Health and Safety Officer funding would still be provided by the Council for its purchase. Following a recommendation by Councillor Kemp it was agreed that a condition be added to require the Club to register the defibrillator with Surrey Ambulance Service.
That a grant of 50% of the capital costs be awarded from the Community Fund, up to a maximum of £3,750 comprising the following breakdown: - New Watering System – 50% up to a maximum of £2,000; - Footpath repairs – 50% up to a maximum of £1,000; and - Purchase a defibrillator – 50% up to a maximum of £750.
Reason: The support will lead to better health and safety arrangements at the Club as well as improving the facilities on offer. |
Byfleet Cricket Club - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-111 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Cherry Trees - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-089 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Citizens Advice Woking - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-086 Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received a report which recommended that a significant level of support be continued for Citizens Advice Woking during the 2019/20 financial year, equating to £225,500, which was stated to be in addition to estimated rent for the office at Provincial House (£34,000), car park spaces (£18,000) and rate relief (£3,500). Woking Borough Council was stated to provide the highest amount of funding for Citizens Advice in Surrey, with Guildford approving a level equating to around half of Woking’s contribution and Waverley agreeing a third. The Leader reported that the recommendation represented a reduction of £38,000 due to the user numbers reducing by 30% over the past year and the level of reserves held by the organisation.
Members of the Executive noted the excellent work undertaken by Citizens Advice Woking, along with the ongoing pressure on local authority budgets, the need for identifying savings, and improving its partnership working with the Council.
Councillor Lyons advised the Executive that the Centre was greatly concerned by the reduction proposed and that the resulting effects could include reducing the opening hours of the Town Centre office, including late night opening hours on Tuesdays; and the possible closure of the Guildford County Court Desk Helpdesk, all of which could require the Council to deal with emergency cases whilst the Centre was closed. Councillor Lyons reported that the funding reduction of £38,000 could require the Centre to lose skilled specialist staff from its payroll and asked for the grant to be approved as applied for.
The Leader summarised the views expressed and stated that Citizens Advice Woking should look to carry out more fundraising, which was undertaken on a larger scale by the other Centres in the County, and develop its working relationship with the Borough Council. Accordingly, it was agreed that the recommendation as set out in the report should be approved. The Leader further proposed that Citizens Advice Woking should be asked to prepare a business plan setting out how it would work more effectively with the Council. The Business Plan was to take into account the comments made by the Executive regarding improved partnership working with the Council and fundraising, and was to be submitted to the Council by Monday, 21 January 2019. The Business Plan would then be received by the Executive at its meeting on 7 February 2019.
In addition, the Leader proposed that Citizens Advice Woking should also be requested to submit an update report to the Council setting out its progress against the agreed Business Plan. The Executive would look to receive the update report at its meeting on 28 March 2018 and determine whether there was justification towards awarding the remaining £38,000 of grant funding. In order to ensure the Executive would be in a position to do so, it was recommended that the sum of £38,000 should be ringfenced in the Community Fund.
In addition, the Leader stated that a briefing would be arranged for Citizens Advice Woking on the objectives of the Sheerwater Regeneration ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Community Advice Forum - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-104 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Coram Life Education - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-110 Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received a request from Coram Life Education to continue its grant funding for the 2019/20 financial year towards its classes on life education to children in the primary schools of Woking.
Following a question by Councillor Lyons, it was noted that the Council had not been advised of any schools no longer using the services provided by the Charity following the introduction of a small levy towards the cost of the educational activities.
That a grant of £20,000 be awarded towards the services for schools in the Borough of Woking.
Reason: To continue the support for Coram Life Education towards the delivery of its programmes to schoolchildren in the Borough. |
Crossroads Care Surrey - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-063 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Friends of the Elderly - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-108 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Friends of Woking High School - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-109
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That a one-off capital grant of 50% of the costs, up to a maximum of £15,000, be awarded from the Community Fund toward the refurbishment of a Design Technology room to become a Computer Technology Resource.
Reason: The upgraded resource will encourage students to pursue a qualification in Design Technology and lead to improved results for those who do so. |
GASP Motor Project - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-090 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That a grant award of £4,950 be awarded towards the provision of basic motor mechanics after-school courses in the Borough for young people who are at risk of becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
Reason: To assist young people in the Borough who may be disengaged with school to develop their skills and aspirations in basic motor mechanics. |
Home-Start Runnymede and Woking - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-087 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Intergenerational Music Making CIC - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-114 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That no grant be awarded and that the Group be encouraged with work with the Council’s Arts and Cultural Development Officer over the coming year.
Reason: It is not felt that the application has provided sufficient justification for the Council to award revenue funding for the coming year. |
Knaphill Community Fridge - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-082 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That a grant of £500 be awarded from the Community Fund towards the set up costs of the service.
Reason: To enable the set up of the Community Fridge project and assist with covering the cost of equipment and initial set up. |
LCAG Lift Up Together and Little Minions - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-077
Additional documents: Minutes: |
Let's Read Ltd - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-062 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Maybury and Sheerwater Community Trust - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-098 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Mayford Village Hall - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-069 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Meadow Sports Football Club - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-065 Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received a report recommending that the Meadow Sports Football Club be awarded 100% grant funding towards the cost of the CCTV system, instead of the usual 50% as it was felt that the exceptional circumstances had been demonstrated due to recent incidents of anti-social behaviour at the site and the Council’s requirement that any CCTV system should first be approved by the Designing Out Crime Officer from Surrey Police. The application had included a request for funding towards a new fence protecting the 3G pitch at the Club.
Councillor Hughes circulated photos showing recent vandalism at the Club whereby turf from the grass pitch had been dug up and thrown over the fence onto the 3G pitch. She stated that this example set out the need for a new fence protecting the 3G pitch and that the Group did not have sufficient funds to carry out the work itself. The Executive was urged to reconsider the recommendation and award funding towards replacing the fence.
The Leader advised that the introduction of a good CCTV system should deal with the issues and that the existing fence was not in a poor condition. It was additionally noted that the Council had undertaken recent extensive resurfacing work of the car park for the Club. Councillor Kemp added that the Club could also consider submitting a grant application to Surrey Playing Fields Association. Accordingly it was agreed that the recommendation in the report be agreed.
That a grant of up to £4,000 be awarded from the Council’s Community Fund towards the cost of a new CCTV system, provided the system is fit for purpose, meets standard national requirements and having been approved by Surrey Police’s Designing Out Crime Officer.
Reason: The new CCTV system will work to mitigate levels of anti-social behaviour at the site and reduce the costs of vandalism being incurred by the Club. |
Outline - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-085 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That (i) a revenue grant of £6,000 be awarded towards the cost of running the helpline and the support group; and (ii) a one-off capital grant of up to a maximum of £1,000 be awarded from the Community Fund towards the costs of a new server and three hard drives. Reason: To provide support for the organisation and its operating costs. |
Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-094 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Relate West Surrey - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-076 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Royal Horticultural Society (Wisley) - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-124
Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader reported that the request for financial assistance from the Royal Horticultural Society (Wisley) should be deferred pending further consideration by Councillor Hunwicks and Councillor Kemp, as the application covered areas relating to both their Executive Portfolios.
That the application be deferred to a future meeting of the Executive pending further consideration by Portfolio Holders.
Reason: To enable sufficient consideration to be given to the grant application. |
Sayapatri Nepali Cultural Group - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-119 Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader reported that, following further consultation with Members, it was proposed that the Sayapatri Nepali Cultural Group should be awarded a one-off grant of £1,500 towards core costs, subject to the Group having registered as a Charity with the Charity Commission.
That a one-off grant of £1,500 be awarded towards core costs from the Community Fund, subject to the Group having registered as a Charity with the Charity Commission.
Reason: The one-off grant would assist the Group with its activities for children and older people in the Nepalese community. |
Send Primary School - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-112 Additional documents: Minutes: Following a question by Councillor Lyons, it was noted that children from Woking attended Send Primary School and therefore would benefit from the proposed sensory and reflective garden.
That a grant of 50% of the costs of creating a garden for the pupils and visitors to Send Primary School be awarded up to a maximum of £3,750 from the Community Fund.
Reason: To support the School in its aspiration to create a reflection garden for the pupils of and visitors to Send Primary School. |
Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care Ltd - Application For Financial Assistance EXE18-079 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-105 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That no grant be awarded.
Reason: The Council is already well linked with the community groups supported by the Forum. |
Surrey North Area Cruse Bereavement Care - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-107 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Surrey Welfare Rights Unit - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-057 Additional documents: Minutes: |
TALK Surrey CIO - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-056 Additional documents: Minutes: |
The Brigitte Trust - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-113 Additional documents: Minutes: |
The Club at Old Woking - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-080 Additional documents: Minutes: Following a request by Cllr Hughes to increase the grant awarded to the level applied for due to the Club being the only youth organisation working in the area, Councillor Kemp recommended that the Club apply to the Members Allocation Scheme of County Council, as there could be funding available which would assist with increasing the number of sessions back to once each week.
That a grant of up to £948 be awarded for the 2019/20 financial year towards the rental costs of The Club.
Reason: To enable the Group to continue its work with young people in South Woking. |
The Counselling Partnership - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-070 Additional documents: Minutes: |
The Lightbox - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-106 Additional documents: Minutes: |
The Lighthouse - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-102 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That a grant of £18,200 be awarded towards operational costs.
Reason: To enable the charity to continue to engage with a high number of users from Woking including those from different cultural backgrounds and ages, with its broad and diverse offer of support for the community and for people in Woking who need help. |
The Maybury Centre Trust - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-095 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED That (i) a one-off capital grant of up to a maximum of £8,000 be awarded towards the costs of 2 interactive screens and the replacement of other equipment to benefit those using the Centre from the Community Fund; and (ii) a revenue grant of £33,683 be awarded towards the costs of the Maybury Centre (£4,683), the Liaise Women's Support Centre (£15,000), and the Schoolhouse Project (£14,000). Reason: To enable the Centre to continue in providing its services, including the management of the Schoolhouse Project. |
True Honour - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-101 Additional documents: Minutes: |
West Surrey Mediation Service - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-059 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That a grant of £4,000 be awarded towards the running costs of the service.
Reason: To enable the mediation service to be available for residents of the Borough. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That funding be awarded at the requested level of £3,200 towards hydrotherapy sessions for its Woking-based members.
Reason: The provision of accessible hydrotherapy sessions will help those in the Borough living with Parkinson’s to maintain a level of mobility and pain relief for as long as possible, and is in line with the identified priority areas in the Council’s Health and Well Being Strategy. |
Woking Blackhawks Basketball Club - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-081 Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received a grant request from Woking Blackhawks towards the cost of updating its website. Councillor Lyons and Councillor Davis, Portfolio Holder for Information Communication Technology, expressed concern over the total cost highlighted and it was agreed to defer the application to a future meeting of the Executive pending consideration by Councillor Davis in consultation with Councillor Lyons.
That the application be deferred to a future meeting of the Executive, pending consideration by the Portfolio Holder.
Reason: To enable sufficient consideration to be given to the grant application. |
Woking Community Furniture Project - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-060 Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive received an application for funding from Woking Community Furniture Project as the Group had stated that there had been a reduction in income due to the Town Centre redevelopment.
Councillor Lyons stated that there was sufficient evidence to show that the ongoing works had affected the Group’s income; many vulnerable people depended on the Charity for their furniture; and that a rent revision would be an appropriate way of supporting the Group. The Executive endorsed the recommendation in the report that no grant be awarded as it was not felt that the Council should fund the existing services of the project.
Reason: It is not considered that the application has demonstrated sufficient justification for the Council to fund the existing services of the Project. |
Woking Community Transport (Bustler) - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-084 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking District Scouts (Handicamp) - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-100
Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking Family Contact Centre - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-072 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking Men's Shed - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-074 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That a one-off grant of up to £2,500 be awarded from the Community Fund, towards the equipment applied for, which would only be released once the Council’s Community Development and Engagement Manager is content with the referral process.
Reason: To enable older people to benefit from a practical community activity. |
Woking Mind - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-096 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking People of Faith - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-092 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking Shopmobility - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-075
Additional documents: Minutes: |
Woking Street Angels - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-073 Additional documents: Minutes: |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That funding of £1,781 be awarded towards the cost of renting a room at the Moorcroft Centre.
Reason: To enable Woking Talking Newspaper to continue to provide its service to those people in the Borough with a visual impairment. |
York Road Project - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-091 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That funding of £53,400 be awarded towards the cost of the service, subject to the funding from Surrey County Council not ceasing otherwise a review of the funding provided would be required.
Reason: To enable the York Road Project to continue its existing valued service provision in the Borough. |
Your Sanctuary - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-099 Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Lyons requested that Your Sanctuary be awarded the grant amount of £21,090 as applied for, stating that domestic abuse was an under-reported issue nationally. It was agreed that the recommendation in the report be approved in consideration of the overall high level of support awarded to the voluntary and community organisations by the Council.
That funding of £19,200 be awarded towards the cost of the service.
Reason: To enable the excellent and valued work of the Group tackling Domestic Abuse to take place. |
Woking & Sam Beare Hospices - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-064
Additional documents: Minutes: |